

  • I don't "start" an activity and the calories burned still come over to MFP.
  • I do Zumba and when I set my fitbit for the class I can get about 425 calories burned. The same class and doing nothing with fitbit (no activity setting) MFP gives me 560 cals for my activity. Since I don't plan to eat my calories burned to me it really doesn't matter as long as I'm just using it as a guide to make sure…
  • It is very difficult. First, you have to change your idea of what "satisfied" is. I used to think I wasn't satisfied unless I was so full that I was uncomfortable. I've started to accept that satisfied is not full at all. If how hungry you are is a scale of 1 - 10 where 1 is very, very hungry and 10 is stuffed, you should…
  • I found myself obsessing over "actuals" too. If I didn't have an accurate calorie count I felt like I blew it and binged... figured what the hell my day is off anyway. With that I found my weight creaping up and up and up... so I found a way to make best guesses and force myself to accept the calorie count. I still prefer…
  • All of those things DO count!!! You'll see the results and you'll be happy about it.
  • I've learned that nothing worthwhile is going to be easy. In 2010 I've lost over 75 lbs. I'm STILL learning how to control eating binges and how to eat right... still learning to maintain and balance. Congrats on your transformation!!!
  • Hi. Hang in there. I started my journey at 240 and a size 16/18. It seemed like I was wearing the same clothes without a problem and not noticing any changes. Until one day I went to visit a friend who said my clothes were too big... She threw a size 12 at me to try on and it fit. At this point I was already down 40+ lbs…
  • I can relate. But just because I can relate does not mean it is right that we feel that way. I always felt more comfortable around heavy people. Now that I've lost weight I feel some of those same people don't treat me the same way. Perhaps they are envious or jealous? I do not know. I do know that love and acceptance…
  • hang in there... it is best to average your losses over a 4 week period. don't get discouraged...and as others have said, watch your carbs... limiting carbs can help you eliminate water weight. HTH.
  • I have read that you can make up for indulging by reducing the number of calories you intake in days surrounding your event. The example they gave was if you overeat by 500 calories you can use 5 days to reduce your intake by 100/day. Throw in a little extra exercise if you can as well. Since it is all about the calories…