I dont understand ....

I started this journey at 232lbs .... I am currently down 18.8lbs BUT ..... I dont see any change in my clothes!

Is this normal to not see any change yet?? Where is the weight coming off?? LOL :huh:


  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    At first I didn't see changes. I still don't see them personally. I think its how we view ourselves. Have you done your measurements?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've noticed that when I was in large clothing sizes (I started at a 16/18), it took like 25+ pounds to really notice a difference in how my clothes fit. But as I went down each size, it took less and less weight to move down to the next smaller size. It's somewhat due to the fact that larger clothing sizes have a bigger difference in inches than smaller sizes. Usually it's 2" for 16+ and 1.5" from 10-14, then size 8 and smaller only have a 1" difference in the waist and hips. So, don't be discouraged! You'll be seeing the changes soon enough, I really didn't notice much of anything going from 215 to 200, but once I got down to 185, I dropped to a size 14 and it's been a new clothing size every 2 months since, even though my weight loss has slowed as I've gotten smaller.
  • hrgarry
    Hi. Hang in there. I started my journey at 240 and a size 16/18. It seemed like I was wearing the same clothes without a problem and not noticing any changes. Until one day I went to visit a friend who said my clothes were too big... She threw a size 12 at me to try on and it fit. At this point I was already down 40+ lbs but the point being that I didn't notice the change myself. It's going to seem quite sudden to you when it does happen.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I started at 242 and I didn't SEE it in myself until almost 30lbs. Other people said they noticed but I didn't. It took a long time for the next size to fit me but I'm noticing that a size 16 is already getting looser really quick now.

    It IS coming off, in weird little places. I notice now I can cross my legs easier, and my boobs stick out more than my stomach.
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    I've noticed that when I was in large clothing sizes (I started at a 16/18), it took like 25+ pounds to really notice a difference in how my clothes fit. But as I went down each size, it took less and less weight to move down to the next smaller size. It's somewhat due to the fact that larger clothing sizes have a bigger difference in inches than smaller sizes. Usually it's 2" for 16+ and 1.5" from 10-14, then size 8 and smaller only have a 1" difference in the waist and hips. So, don't be discouraged! You'll be seeing the changes soon enough, I really didn't notice much of anything going from 215 to 200, but once I got down to 185, I dropped to a size 14 and it's been a new clothing size every 2 months since, even though my weight loss has slowed as I've gotten smaller.

    I had no clue! Thanks for the info!

    I haven't noticed much difference (although I haven't lost as much yet) but I do notice that my fat hangs differently, lol! (My husband said that's nice to say. I say it's my fat, I can talk about it however I want!)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I started at 242 and I didn't SEE it in myself until almost 30lbs. Other people said they noticed but I didn't. It took a long time for the next size to fit me but I'm noticing that a size 16 is already getting looser really quick now.

    It IS coming off, in weird little places. I notice now I can cross my legs easier, and my boobs stick out more than my stomach.

    It's a good feeling when your stomach becomes flatter than your chest.
  • legend1973
    If you are drinking more water then you could be shedding more water weight. As well when you eat less you carry less food in your digestive tract, this can be up to as much as 15 pounds. As long as you feel thinner, lighter, and get that feeling of being more active, and stict to you calories regime then the weight should come off easily.
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    I started out at 244 and now am down to 200....not noticing any change..seeing the scale drop of course and a few inches here and there but i was still wearing my size 18/20 jeans!! until this past weekend I was curious as to how close i was to fitting in my size 16s and guess what I did!! I didnt think i could because something with the bigger sizes were telling me my body hadnt changed that much, but it did..maybe 10 more lbs down you should just try a smaller size and see! you may surprise yourself!
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    Ditto with everyone else. My first drop in size was after I lost 20 lbs. I think in part it was because my clothes were tight and had stretched out some before I started. The next couple sizes dropped off faster. Just keep going, it will happen and when it does there is no better feeling! It will happen if we keep at it and man when it does, it is FANTASTIC!