2010 What have you learned?

So on the radio this morning they were talking about the past year and something new you have learned. I thought I would share what I have learned.

I have learned that excuses are just that an excuse. I do have time to work, be a GREAT mom/wife and still find time for myself. I can exercise AFTER work. I do not need to eat 5 cookies to be happy. I actually can wear a size 6. I can run and I can run well. I can run 5K's and I will run a 1/2 marathon. I will not let anything or anyone slwo me down!

I feel like I have turned my life around. Not only do I look better, I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I have more energy than I have had in years. I was told that I am such a happier person and I feel more confident in life.

I want to thank you all. My fitness pal has changed my attitude towards "dieting" and made it a lifestyle. I will never diet again, I will just always know that everything in moderation is essential for healthy living!

I have attached a link to my journey (before and during pics) Thanks for making a big difference in my life!


Here's to a wonderful 2010!~


  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Honestly i have been trying to learn this year... and i have to day right now i learned nothing becuase i have been on here and gained weight, but maybe next year ill have something to say..
  • ironmule2042
    Grats on the great transformation. You look amazing!

    This year I learned that I actually enjoy going outdoors and being active. I learned that the view 4230 ft above sea level is amazing and can't be described with words. I've learned that racquetball can give me bruises but damn are they worth it! I've learned that I actually enjoy the healthy foods I used to make fun of and call tasteless. I've learned that with a little willpower and work I can keep off the weight and look good. I've learned that I really don't mind spending a few extra bucks on clothes that look good as opposed to Wal-Mart specials. Lastly I learned that I can be the person I want to be! :-)
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    I learned I can win and I can do this :-)
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    and you look wonderfulllllllllllllllll WTG
  • goldspaula
    I have learned that if you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight. I have learned that I would not "die" from embarrassment if I walked into a gym and stepped on a treadmill. I learned that I can actually swim!!! I have learned that tracking calories is not hard at all. I have learned that looking into a mirror and seeing a lighter me is AWESOME! :D
  • SkierElle
    I've learned that no matter what people say, biking in snow is very possible. No excuse not to bike to school/work in a blizzard!

    I learned how to control my "sugar addiction" which means pretty much abstinence from anything with sugar!

    I've learned to appreciate the fact that life is pretty damn hard... and to love it anyways.
  • JennBennett410
    Your posts made me smile! Thanks!

    I loved the "die in the gym comment!

  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    I learned that many people have similar healthy lifestyle goals and that hanging with like people (even if only on MFP) keeps me motivated and focused.
  • hrgarry
    I've learned that nothing worthwhile is going to be easy.

    In 2010 I've lost over 75 lbs. I'm STILL learning how to control eating binges and how to eat right... still learning to maintain and balance.

    Congrats on your transformation!!!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I have learned that you have to love yourself because no one else will if you dont. I have learned that you have to really want something bad to stay committed to it. I have learned that I can be a strong person, I just have to get up every day and keep trying. I have failed at being a mother, a wife and a healthy woman, but I keep trying every single day to be better. I learned that I failed at my marriage, but I still believe that love does exist.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I have learned that I AM WORTH IT!!! I am worth the time it takes everyday to feel good exercising. I am worth the feelings I feel when I go to bed at night knowing I ROCKED my food that day. I am worth it when I get a compliment. I am worth being HAPPY with myself again.
  • JennBennett410
    LOVE the comment about being WORTH IT! We all are and I think bigger me thought I wasn't..
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I've learned that being married is amazing if you have the right person.

    I've learned that while planning a wedding, there comes a point where you say "I don't care anymore" and let her parents make the decisions. I've learned that you'll still have fun anyways.

    I've learned that I can go 20 hrs without eating if I have Diet Mtn Dew and a computer to help me through.

    I've learned that just because I was fat once doesn't mean I can't have a killer body now. I don't have to settle for just ok.

    I've learned that my lifetime goal of bench pressing 315 lbs is completely attainable within the next couple years (I can do 285 now).
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I learned I need to stay on MFP so i can keep motivated & stay on track. &t hat I need some buddys on here so we can keep each other motivated .
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    We started this journey on the same day and you've been a constant source of support whether it was changing to a healthy lifestyle issue or personal issues. You look fabulous and I know 2011 is going to be even better for us. We'll be rocking those size 6's and maybe even 4's by the summer!!! My goal is a two piece by August...some of that will depend on skin and leftover flab but maybe???

    I've learned moderation is the key. I can have anything I want in moderation. I ate ice cream almost every night in the beginning and still lost. I learned calories in needs to be less than calories out to lose...the rest takes care of itself. I learned that MFPers are awesome people just trying to make positive changes in their lives.

    Hope everyone has a blessed holiday and a wonderful New Year!
  • Depplover28
    I've learned that anything is possible when I set my mind to it. I have also started to learn how to control my mindless snacking :]
  • turbojanem
    first: you look GREAT! loved all your photos of your journey.

    second: our stories are similar. last year i was a size 18, and 30+ pounds heavier. i lost 10 pounds over the first 7 months, and 20+ pounds since July 12th. MFP and Turbo Jam have been two of my tools since July 12th. accountability is keeping me on track....that comes from my husband, friends, MFP friends and my new "job" as a beachbody coach. (size 8's and 10's at this point, and still losing and toning!)

    cheering you on in your healthy lifestyle!
  • turbojanem
    lost my train of thought...what i have learned: accountability and that working out now that i am almost to goal is more mental than physical for me now. i need the mental boost to keep me from getting grouchy and to keep my head in the game that a healthy lifestyle is worth it.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I've learned that who I am at the core of my being can not be weighed or measured. That at the end of my life, my dress size will not be what I am measured by.

    I've learned that hating, shaming and torturing myself into transformation will never work in the long term.

    I've learned that gentleness and love are the only way I can sustain this lifestyle forever. I love myself with every thought in my head, I eat foods that I love and I participate in activities that I love doing.

    I've learned that making a lifestyle change can be challenging, but living the lifestyle of an overweight person was way more challenging. I had to chose which challenge I was willing to live with long term and the challenge of a healthy lifestyle wins, hands down.
