

  • I'm Filipina :)
  • hello! weight loss takes time and you have to take it day by day. i sent a friend request. i hope we can help each other! i need to track my food and i've been off and on about it. i want to make it stick this time :)
  • I agree with everyone. Walking is perfect! That's how I started with my own fitness journey. I used to live near a mountain trail, so I took advantage of the outdoors. I got to explore the area and burned calories at the same time. Once I felt better and stronger. I challenged myself more by doing other workouts. I added…
  • I just left my 20s. I just turned 30 last week! I'm actually healthier now than when I was in my 20s! :)
  • I've signed up on here a long time ago, but I'm always off and on keeping track calories. I'm committed to keep track of everything I put in my mouth from now on especially after my challenge group started. I want to see results!