

  • When I decided that I'm ready to get married and have children.
  • 22 lbs is a lot of weight, and I personally think you will be in those size 10 shorts after 22 lbs. Also, you may want to research that brand of clothing, as some clothing lines can run a bit smaller than others. This has been my experience when shopping, I'll fit a smaller size at one store and a similar product at…
  • I've only tried the tofu shirataki noodles. I've yet to try the shirataki noodles without the tofu. I do kinda love the tofu shirataki noodles though and you still get low calories with those. I will definitely try the shirataki noodles very soon though, because I would love to find another noodle replacement. I LOVE…
  • Bachelor's in Health Management Master's in Business Administration
  • Yes, I do like looking a certain way, it's what I find attractive when I look in the mirror. But over the past few years the weight has gotten out of control and I haven't been living a healthy lifestyle. I want to become healthy again and get back to the cute, quirky, cuddly girl I was versus the all out big girl that I…
  • I have a friend doing that diet and she says that you're supposed to eat only 500 calories per day on that diet. She has lost like 6 lbs in 4 days but seems like she's barely eating in my opinion. I think I'm going to stick to simply eating right and exercising and hope my body sees results.
  • I'm going to have to try the cell phone thing. Maybe it'll be a good distraction. I'm on my 2nd day of the Insanity workout, definitely hoping for a good jumpstart from that. But thanks and good luck to you too!