

  • I just came across this thread this morning...and yes there are some men out there that are just not worth it....but take it from me, I spent 7 years with someone who didn't treat me right and I knew I should have left 2 years into it. Take some responsibility......you have obviously known for a while that he wasn't good…
  • Hey....sorry it's been too long since I last wrote. I went on vacation and now that I'm back I'm working two jobs....it's just been crazy. I haven't lost anything, in fact I'm pretty sure I've gone up a few pounds...HOWEVER....I have been doing kettlebells 2...sometimes 3 times per week. My bf and I do it together. I would…
  • Week 3 CW 203/SW 202/GW 187/ Pounds lost -1 So I was able to get all three kettlebell workouts done last week....unfortunately my eating was AWFUL! I can't wait for summer to be over.....that way I can get back into a routine...too many visits to the patio...lol.. I'm pretty sure though my weight only went up as much as it…
  • Week 2 CW 199/SW 202/GW 187/ Pounds lost 3 So my CW isn't exact because I really didn't watch what I ate this weekend....it's probably higher. Friday I did 45 of kettlebells and then couldn't walk all weekend. I'm still sore! The instructor was crazy hard. Again I swam everyday....which is so nice. How was your week?
  • We're having a heat wave here too....normally it would cause me to eat less but the ice cream is just too tempting! And a cold beer...well don't get me started.... I love the kettleworx program. It's a great workout in a minimum amount of time. My bf and I are actually going to a martial arts place for a 45 min kettlebell…
  • Week 1 - Weigh In CW 199/SW 202/GW 187/ Pounds lost 3 Kettlebells - I worked out once, however I went swimming 3 times and burned a lot of calories. My diet was pretty much shot over the weekend. We had a baby shower to go to, then it was the acadien birthday (my bf is acadien) so there was drinking and a whole lot of…
  • Hey April, I wanted to see how things are going? I haven't done a workout with my kettlebells yet this week...but tonight is the night!
  • Thanks, you too!
  • 32 oz down! 64 to go........ I'm so glad the bathroom is close! LOL...:laugh:
  • SW stands for starting weight. CW-Current Weight GW - Goal Weight
  • Hey Sixers....I haven't been doing too well on my diet lately....stress and travel have been my worst enemy. But i'm back on track...not down any but back....so... JasmineSW 196 lbs / GW 186 lbs/ CW 196 lbs PROGRESS: +/-00.00 lbs CathySW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 206.2 lbs PROGRESS: - 2.2 lbs AmyLouSW 151 lbs / GW 145…
  • I would also like to join this challenge (if I can). I need a push to really get things going. I was doing really well and then I got off track and now I'm finding it difficult to get things in gear. I know if I push myself I can do it. JasmineSW 196 lbs / GW 186 lbs/ CW 196 lbs PROGRESS: +/-00.00 lbs CathySW 208.6 lbs /…
  • I know how you feel, things financially haven't been going my way and when you're trying to lose weight it just makes it that much more difficult. But..for me instead of reaching for food I curl up on the couch with my boyfriend and he just holds me and I find it just calms me right down. There is something about just an…
  • So I'm new, and if I wasn't I'm probably in the wrong message board...lol... My co-worker introduced me to this site, I'm not much of a calorie counter but thus far nothing else has seemed to work. However, I think it was just laziness that stopped me from getting the results that I wanted. I split with my ex last year…