
  • I have succeeded in controlling SOME of my PCOS symptoms without any meds. My heaviest weight was about 260, and that is when my PCOS was out of control. I had IBS, no or irregular periods, heartburn (not sure if that is a PCOS symptom), etc. That was about 2 years ago. During that year, I stopped eating wheat products and…
  • The fact that people are so wrapped up around the term "clean eating" is quite childish and just a way to be an a**hole. I am sure most people here on this forum and MFP has heard of the term "clean eating", so there is no reason to question MissKelly about what she means by eating clean. That is just being obnoxious and…
    in Clean Eating Comment by AMDLove May 2014
  • I am also apple shaped. I blame most of this on PCOS. I was always apple shaped, but I had a butt and sloped shoulders (not broad). When I went to college and started gaining weight, my butt went away and my apple shaped body became more prominent. I am praying that working out (cardio and strength training), I will get my…
  • Hey! I did day 1 yesterday and I am so sore! I really like her and she is very informative. Let's do this!
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS maybe 7 years ago. When I went to college, I blew up and gained about 80 lbs! I have A LOT of excess hair and I was not getting my periods regularly, maybe twice a year. Well, 2 years ago, I researched something about wheat products and PCOS. I I decided to stop eating wheat and after a month, not…
  • I am going to do the 2-A-Day workouts. I am a beginner, so in the morning I will walk 1.5 miles around my neighborhood on Tue. In the evenings I either go to a boot camp session at my recreation center or will do at home abs, arms, and lower body workouts. If anyone has any suggestions for me (a beginner) please feel free!…