

  • Have any of you that are debating a tummy tuck tried the skinny wraps? I've seen awesome results on other people that have had the same issue. https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/487868_363901233723857_1851183782_n.jpg I think if it worked that well for her - wouldn't it be worth a try to just see? I'm not judging…
  • I'm having a hard time doing the same but I was eating a constant 300-500 kcal a day. When I finally figured out that was all I was eating I've been on a goal set of eating 1200. It has taken me 3 months but I finally have done a whole week of eating that way. My next goal is to eat 1600 kcal because I'm supposed to be…
  • I use a vegan protein powder called Vega 1 - you can go to their site and request a sample - which is nice. Tonight I wanted some holiday ice cream or egg not so instead I took the Vega 1 vanilla chai and added it to a cup of Gingerbread Kefir. It tastes just like a gingerbread eggnog thingy, lol. Normally I add hemp milk…