fettgeist Member


  • Thank you everyone for your candid and honest responses! :D I do agree with what some of you said - about turning my "addiction" towards fitness. That's a great idea. I obviously know what addictive behaviours look like, and I think I could manage keeping a healthy mindset in regards to my fitness. That and I'm probably…
  • Dang! That is so awesome. I wish I had as much willpower as you do! 3 years!! Keep it up B)
  • I stress/emotional ate Whataburger last night :'( but today is a new day. I will not dwell on this.
  • I wouldn't do body shots off any of ya'll. Because gains.
  • I was addicted to food and I also knew almost nothing about health and nutrition. This is embarrassing but I didn't even have a notion of calories, carbs, fats... etc. until I was about 20. I just never paid attention or thought it was important. I knew I was fat because I ate too much and I ate fast food all the time, but…
  • Well... to assess your diet besides the micro/macronutrient breakdown, you'd have to provide other information like age, height, current weight and what your goals are. At least so we'd know what your BMR is. Already looking at this, you're eating in excess and you haven't stated why. 2872 / 321 / 90 / 202 ( kcal / carb /…
  • I don't have many recipes because I'm somewhat of a meat & potatoes person, but as mentioned before, I also cook in bulk a few days ahead and keep things in containers. Lean cuts of beef, chicken, ground chicken (form chicken meatballs or patties), ground turkey, salmon.... and season the eff out of it. I usually just buy…
  • I'm not saying I'm hot or anything, but it's really unnerving when someone just stares at you constantly while you're trying to work out. It's happened a few times. I'm an introvert and I really dislike getting any attention directed towards me because it kind of makes me break focus. So, all you have to do is go in…
  • Plan everything. Have everything already weighed and portioned out, just like you would on the weekdays. Personally on the weekends are when my cheat meal / cheat snack happens. Plan that too! Log ahead of time and factor your cheat in, then make sure you still meet your macros with that in there. Also making sure to work…
  • 5'10" SW: 195 Pants: 16/18 Shirt: L/XL (uni-sex only) Chest: 38D CW: 153 Pants: 8/9 Shirt: S/M (uni-sex and women's) Chest: 36B Goal: 18% BF and I'm waiting for my skin to catch up :3