ezme13 Member


  • These aubergine pizzas are lovely.. http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2012/08/recipe-for-julia-childs-eggplant-pizzas.html I also made this curry for the first time recently: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/apr/30/nigel-slater-aubergine-curry-recipe
  • Last weekend Hubby and I had our weekend away since we started eating low carb. We knew it wouldn't be easy but it was harder than we expected to find good options - we ate a lot of salads! Burgers without the buns or steak without chips were our only other choices. Breakfast was the only win - the guest house we stayed at…
  • Check out the recipes option in MFP. You can add all the ingredients, set a serving size and it will only show as one entry in your diary. I have all my regular dinners in there, it saves a tonne of time.
  • I started taking my levothyroxine (same thing I think) last thing at night before I got to bed for similar reasons.
  • If I call it a "day" I tend to go a bit overboard and wipe out a whole week's healthy eating. Rather than a guilt free day, i do a guilt free meal. If I know I'm going out somewhere nice I eat extra sensibly that day. I then eat what I want but log everything. The important thing is not to let it derail you. The next…
  • I made this for the first time this week, it worked out really cheap and was very tasty with some rice. I had leftovers on their own for lunch the next day. I'm going to make it in bulk next time so I can freeze some for easy midweek dinners. http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1306/easy-peasy-lentil-curry
  • It's Primarks dodgy sizes, I recommend trying on anything from there before you buy it. Back before I lost weight I bought black linen trousers in a size 18 for work. They were so comfy I went back and bought an idential pair in Navy in the same size and couldn't get them past my hips.
  • I got married 4 weeks ago and that's exactly why I started on here. I had a goal of 44 lbs (about 20 kg) but I set myself 7 months .to do it in. Saying thats, I lost most of that (around 30lbs 13.5 kg) in the first 4 months. That was diet alone, very little exercise so I'd say its doable.