

  • You can do it. I find saving for one day during the week to indulge and with one item keeps me from falling off the wagon altogether
  • I think it's okay once a week - and especially if you've earned it by being good during the week. Also, keeping your cheat item (for me its a beverage) limited to ONE - (so one ice cream bar or one hamburger or one drink) makes it more special and I tend to savor it vs binging out. I'm new here. my blog…
  • I'm new here and I am getting serious about getting in shape, too. Tired of being overweight. I just did my first calorie count - HOLY SMOKES - I ate almost double what I need in a day. I didn't even think I ate that much! Do you have any hard rules you are following? I also do a blog - check it out if you're interested…
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