Need some thinspiration!

Hi guys, so i sonly have about 10 lbs left to lose.. the thing is, lately i have just not been able to resist the urge to eat whatever looks good. For the past few weeks i have been telling myself "just this one thing" or "ill do better tomorrow". It doesn't work that way, because after two weeks i have gained! :( i feel so defeated, so hopeless. I really need help to lose this weight, I'm almost there.. i have to finish my journey! Can i do it? Or will i stay flabby and full? help!!


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    When you feel yourself reaching for food, ask yourself why. If you're truly hungry, eat. If not, remind yourself of your goals. Is that bite of whatever food worth it? Probably not. You've come this far, and you WILL make it all the way!
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member

    Heres a way to approach achieving this WILL

    Look at this food (lets say for instance a cheesecake) Who is stronger?? Who is smarter?? Who has come furthest and worked so hard to let all this triumph go to waste?? YOU DID!! You came this far!! Your smarter than this!! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THIS CHEESECAKE WHO HAS NO FEELINGS TOWARDS YOUR GOALS IN LIFE. Who is this cheesecake to just come up and try to take away what youve worked so hard to earn??

    and always remember....YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!! Hope that helped :D

    Just keep in mind its only a short way to go, victory is within the mile!! So charge foward because you have it in you!! Your not defeated yet!
  • Thanks you guys! It is great to have a community who can help, i hope next time my post will be in the "success stories" blog!(:
  • I'm in the same boat! 10 lbs left and I will be back at high school weight! And every time there's a plate of cookies in the break room, I'm done for. It's really easy to fall off the wagon and get discouraged.

    One of the things that helped me though, is realizing that my eyes have adjusted to this thinner weight. I am 20 lbs lighter than I was when I started MFP, and 60 lbs lighter than I was at my heaviest. I have two bad days and my brain tells me I'm back where I started, but I'm not! This is a process. We've made amazing progress. And we can do it again!

    Feel free to add me! We can keep each other in check! ;o)
  • You can do it.
    I find saving for one day during the week to indulge and with one item keeps me from falling off the wagon altogether