

  • Not true! If that were the case then Mose days I would be eating well Over 1800 calories where my goal before exercise is 1350, I know that if I want to lose weight I need to keep my calorie intakeright around 1500. If it doesn't matter if ou go over on your fat intake we would all be eating McDonald's fat is fat unless…
  • Depends on what you plan on eating. Have fruit. Nuts have healthy fat. There are so many contributing factors. Are you drinking enough water? That will curb your appetite. So will vitamin C or caffeine, but it is kinda late in the day for caffeine. But my thought is if you're really hungry, then eat, but if you're snacking…
  • Best advice is definitely total body workout. If I were you I would pick 9 exercises off that list and then do a circuit of those machines that day with the number of reps you feel comfortable doing in a single set. Aim for 12-15. Only give yourself the time it takes to wipe done the machine you just left to the time it…
  • No coffee and tea do not count for your water intake unless they are decaffienated. Caffeine is a diuretic that removes water from your body, hence the feeling it goes right through you. For every 8 ounce cup of coffee, tea or soda you have, you should drink 16 ounces of water in addition to the water you should already be…