

  • I'd highly recommend you pickup the book "You Are Your Own Gym" by Mark Lauren. Also consider joining Fitocracy, turns exercise into a fun game, 32,000+ members in the You Are Your Own Gym group there. You can do anything you want with body weight exercises in your own home. In fact, you can get in better shape quicker…
  • We I weighed myself and realized I just left the "normal" range and entered the "overweight" range. Gotta be a good example and healthy for my children and my wife!
  • Yes, I do. I have one valley, and that was 168.0 on Apr 24. Other than that my weight is either 170.0, 169.8, 169.6 or 169.4, and that for a full month now :-( I'd be ecstatic if I were at my target weight and keeping it this consistent, but I'm not there yet! Jeremy
  • Fantastic!
  • This question can not be answered. If he his Hugh Hefner then looks probably matter a lot. If, however, he is Billy Graham, he understands beauty fades and inner beauty is the real prize. Thus, what you need to ask yourself is what does my boy friend value? Then ask yourself if you are willing to live with that value…
  • I would use a TDEE calculator such as and choose Light Exercise. i.e. you do walk around during your job, unlike a desk worker. Then as you exercise log it here on MFP and let it take care of adding calories for you. From what I have read, though, if you only have…
  • This isn't quite true, at least how I believe MFP would work. My TDEE changes on a daily basis by possibly 300 calories based on what exercises I did on what given day. I run every other day and do other exercises on off days. Some of my runs are hard, others are easy. Thus, the way I understood things from this thread is…
  • When doing so, say my TDEE is 2,000 and I exercise 400 away, thus my TDEE for that day is really 2,400. Therefore, should I eat 20% of 2,400 or 20% of 2,000 ?
  • When calculating my TDEE should I do so w/just my normal routine (desk job) and then still log exercises and allow MFP to add more calories for the day that I can eat? My daily exercising varies from ~350-500 calories, sometimes more than 500 but rarely below the 350. (BTW, I opened my diary but am still back logging from…
  • Why does MFP then create these calorie goals if they do not work? I am asking for myself really, but same problem as the original poster. I did great the first 4 weeks, but the last 2 weeks I've been up/down (~1.5lb) not really loosing anything. MFP says I should eat 1,200 calories. I usually burn about 400 calories in…
  • I don't understand that statement. If she is not eating enough to even fuel her basic bodily functions, then what is left over that can be conserved/stored? Jeremy
  • Even if you think you can do more, stick with a program. Your muscles, tendons and bones are not use to running and it takes time to build those areas of your body. Your cardiovascular system will increase at a greater pace giving you the illusion you can do more, but the rest of your body probably isn't keeping up. As one…
  • Everyone needs to feel important and needed, some people more than others. She probably didn't get good reinforcement of her worth while a youngling at home. Speaking as if you know something about a subject is one way of gaining worth. When I run into someone like that I feel sorry for them and indulge them for a bit for…
  • I have been using another calorie tracker for most of my diet, I just recently switched to My Fitness Pal, thus not much history exists. I am thinking of adding in the last two-three weeks of food/exercise data. As for my goals, My Fitness Pal has suggested a very low 1,200 calories a day intake. Now, I burn ~400 calories…