socaljackie Member


  • That is something she needs to discuss with her doctor.. Back issues are IMO an umbrella term for a variety of conditions. If she has rods, where and why? Did she have a corrective surgery? If so was it successful? What area of the back is injured? What methods does, she use know to avoid daily chronic pain? -I had back…
  • I use to love weight watchers. I had 2 different group leaders I went too( depending on which location/time) that were amazing. In '08 I hit my goal weight and even made lifetime. Between, the ww online message boards, (which I use to be very active on and spent many hours during the day chatting with others) and my week…
  • My names Jackie..I'm 28 years old with osteoporosis and grade 3/4 l5/s1 spondylolisthesis . I have bilateral nerve pain that run down both legs.Everyday Is painful due to nerve and back pain. I have done conservative treatments, with little relief. I was supposed to have a 2 level fusion October 1 2012... Due to my…
  • Same here I'm told all the time that people love how I apply my make up. I take it as a compliment, I don't think it's a bad thing... My sister and I joke that we were blessed with "pretty faces" and cursed with big bodies.
  • What is it called? I have had a procedure where they burned the nerves, also what is wrong with your back?
  • I had them , until they stopped working, but when they worked I was pain free.. Good luck. I'm pretty much out of all conservative treatments, and now looking into surgery
  • Bump and save for later , this thread is amazing
  • spondylolisthesis is crushing my nerves. I'm pretty much unable to do any hard workout.. I do planks and a few modified core exersises and child pose stretches for my back.
  • I don't have as but I do have lower spine issues... I went from a gym rat to barely able to walk a block.. It's hard I have no other words than do any exercise you can.. And work the core ALOT.. I utilize my core for everything. I do a lot of core exercises that don't annoy my back or nerves. Good luck
  • one more question, since I have seen multiple answers that go back and forth. Which calulator do you use, fat2fit( if so which one in it for bmr) or scooby?
  • I'm far from goal so don't do 20%? I figured since I'm not active AT ALL that 20% would be better. So at 15% it is 1602?