

  • Thanks everyone this is all so helpful! I really do appreciate any and every bit of what you have told me. I have taken notes and have not given up! Please keep it coming if there is anything else that can be added. i am reading everyone's advice.
  • Thanks! I think this is helpful.
  • Could you give me an example of one food that is good for you but is high in calories, please....and if I am understanding you correctly it's ok to eat them but just in smaller portions. Again thank you for helping me work through this...I will definitely be doing my own research but help from people who have already done…
  • THANKS!!!!!!!
  • I am surprised you say to cut out the nuts because what I keep hearing says that almonds are good for you. And the same with the cheese...is there a cheese with lower calories? I thought that was pretty good too. Thank you for the advice and help...I really am grateful for all the help I can get but this is what is so…
  • So how do I know what is a "nutrient dense" food? Sorry for all these questions...I really am new to eating right.
  • Can you give me examples of "non-starchy" vegetables.
  • Yeah I didn't realize how many calories were in that soup until I had already made it. Yeah, won't be having that again.
  • I would love a sample...what information do you need?