Junerenee Member


  • i like the part about killing the afternoon munchies with a workout. maybe you can get your kiddos involved in the workout: i think doing what kids do would be an amazing workout, how about going to the park and following them around with all their climbing, squatting, jumping etc. could be amazing.
  • i like the gen-soy chips, they are nummy. how bout a half a baked potato? or right now those little oranges are super good. also, jello makes this mousse...only 60 calories. as you can see, i like the sweet snacks. :bigsmile:
  • me too. i stopped for a few months myself. i'm back strong since 12/30! i was soooo close to getting gastric bypass or lap band surgery. but you know what i realized? i'm going to have to change my lifestyle after surgery--so i might as well change it without getting cut open! now, i feel that i can do this. welcome back.…
  • 2.5 miles today. 92.5 to go. the sun sets way too early this time of year!!
  • 5 miles done yesterday: 3 miles walking and 2 on a bike. on my way to walk another 5 now! are we counting the miles and miles we walk at work? i can't find an accurate pedometer. 95 to go!!
  • I'm in. That means I have to start NOW. Let's do it!!
  • I am a nurse in a busy emergency departement in Tacoma, WA. I am also a daughter trying to take care of my aging parents, a wife and a mom of 3 doggies.
  • I am very impressed. You look amazing, and your pictures and words give me hope for myself. Thank you so much!
  • hi. i am new here too, but i have this idea for myself, and it might help you too... i have made a list of "things i can do when i am fit" i have it handy on my phone all the time. the list inludes: fit more comfortably in airplane seats, ride rollar coasters, go be in the audience on ellen show... whenever i see something…