

  • AWW ......... a big THANK YOU :o)
  • Yeah your right (Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and make a fresh start ) Lets go for it :o) Also I like the Idea to work out your diary the night before and also the Idea of learning to cook better meals just need to find some recipies now
  • Hi and welcome you have come to the right place :wink: you will get lots of support and advice on here add me to your friends if you want :smile: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in Newbie Comment by ukgray April 2012
  • Thank you all for your replys :o) Yes I think as long as I enter the beer into my daily caloric requirements then as you say eveything should be ok Thank god I don't have to give up the odd drink when I want to chill out . I have found Becks beer blue is low on calories 110 although non alcholic but ok for when I am the…
    in Beer Comment by ukgray April 2012
  • Thanks to you all for your support