help losing interest



  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    and besides ukgray, I don't want to lose a good friend from MFP, you have been an encouragement to us and lets us give you that back in return :smile:
  • ukgray
    ukgray Posts: 9
    AWW ......... a big THANK YOU :o)
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member
    I've been feeling like that too recently. "This sucks, I want to just eat something and not worry about whether it's good for me or fits in my I used to!" Then I found my old student ID and realized how fat I was when I ate "like I used to". Guess there's no turning back.
  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    I quite like counting the calories, makes me feel in control. Do you have any clothes that have gotten to big? If so, do you want to go back there? Think of it like going to work, it's got to be done if you want the pay. The pay in this case being a healthier, more active life. Got to be worth getting a bit bored for! I'm off out to eat tonight ( the harvester) for the first time since I started this. The calories for my dinner have been in my diary for several days!

    Good luck, I hope you have renewed enthusiasm after reading everyone's posts x
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I went a bit AWOL with my logging and food intake recently but then I weighed and had put on 2lbs in a week. That was all the motivation I needed to kick start my journey again as I didn't want to end up gaining all of the 19lbs I'd lost. So I started again last week and have already dropped those 2 and an extra 1lb for good measure :) Sometimes all you need is a break from the counting calories to just enjoy the foods you love so you can go back into it with a renewed energy :) Good luck!
  • I lose interest every FRI/SAT after I have been out for a drink still do the gym on a friday though before I have a drink personally dont bother with counting calories just make sure I eat healthy plenty veg fruit etc this has been ok for me over the last four months 17,10 to 15,4. far to much emphasis on calorie counting, in my humble opinion excercise and healthy food is all you need and do it at your own pace
  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    I am begining to get bored with counting calories before every meal , sometimes I just want to pick something up and eat it !
    I do miss that .
    I seem to be stuck weight wise slightly more this week than last ,or maybe its the scales MMMMmmmm ? that's the first time its gone up Sigh !
    Yes I admit to having a few more beers than normal but it was a holiday weekend ,
    There as to be more to life than this.................. help I need motivation

    I've been there. I lost 39lbs, slowly started to creep back into bad habits, thought "I've done well, I can't do much damage" - and now I'm back at the weight I was last November after working my butt off for months and being strict all over Christmas. I gained 10lbs back within the space of a few months - you really need to sit down and have a chat with yourself. Pick something up and eat it, if that's what you want, but you know what's good for you and what isn't. I had a couple of beers this weekend too, did I track them? Hell no. Because I know I didn't go overboard and it's not something I do every week. We're all allowed a day off, just be careful that your day off doesn't turn into weeks like me. It's so disheartening to think of all the walks, calorie-counting, points-watching, exercise I did and I threw it all away. The annoyance of that is much, much greater than the annoyance of having to watch what you eat. I'm now 6lbs down thanks to MFP but I still have those 4lbs to lose to get back to where I was 6 months ago. It's far more annoying than having to count calories.

    I've said the same words - "there has to be more to life than this" - but flip that around. You do this now, get into the habit of doing it, and change your habits. Instead of saying that, say "I'm doing this for a better life." It is SO worth it, believe me. I had absolutely no idea how big I'd gotten and when I look back at the way I used to eat I feel physically sick. There wasn't a day that I wouldn't clear 2,500 - 3,000 calories easy.

    Please don't be disheartened - if I can change my attitude, believe me, anyone can. I literally cried at the thoughts of walking, I ate so much salad that I never want to see a lettuce again, I drank so much water that I was as well camp out in the bathroom, I sweated, I ranted, I ached, I thought I was getting nowhere, thought "**** it, it's not making a difference" - until I found my old driving licence a few weeks ago. Compare that to my current passport and you can see why it's not worth throwing in the towel. As bad as it is to feel like you're stuck, imagine how bad it would be to waste all your good work and go back to the very start?


    I still have a long way to go, but we are all here to support each other and YOU CAN DO IT. Do it for yourself.

    And don't beat yourself up about the beers!! Don't let it ruin your entire day. Don't let one day ruin your week. Don't let one week ruin your month. See where I'm going with this? We're all human. You want something? Have it. Just don't have ten of it, every day. GOOD LUCK.
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    How about making a list of go to food or meals and have there calorie count. Post near frig. And then when you want to grab something without thinking you can check your list and eat what hits you and have calories ready and available. Also put the list on my meals for quick tracking. Good luck!
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Losing 10 kg is no small accomplishment, and it couldn't have been done if you didn't feel a sense of commitment to your goal.

    In the past, I would tell myself I would lose the weight when I decided I wanted it badly enough. In retrospect, that was just me making excuses to give up trying. If I could, I'd travel back in time and kick myself in the rear for not doing this years ago.

    I've been at this for a few months now, and it hasn't always been a smooth ride. But I'm glad I've stuck it out, and I'm more committed now to seeing this through than I ever have.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Go back in your diary and find your favourite meals.
    Use quick tools to save as favourites
    Then you can add whole meals with just a couple of clicks.