RoteBook Member


  • What kind of work clothing? If you need business dress, NYDJ makes good stretchy trousers that don't look like stretch pants. They're pricey, but if you have a Nordstrom rack nearby you can often find them there.
  • Yum, that pie looks delicious! Maybe I will cave to my family's request to visit for thanksgiving, especially because I just realized I didn't get any corn! You would think that corn would be the same everywhere, but the $1/sad looking ear California corn just can't measure up.
  • I know you were all desperately curious for an update. Nick's gyro Giordano's pizza Portillo's beef and cheddar Garrett caramel corn July 4 cookout with Midwestern staples (giant burger, taffy Apple salad, and ice cream) And my brother-in-law's favorite doughnut place in Joliet I ran between the raindrops one morning, and…
  • I've been going out for 30 minutes 3 times a week with a goal of eventually increasing my distance and speed. I know I would be more likely to stick with it if I join a group or find a running partner who is counting on me to show up, but I'm definitely too slow for the running groups around here. One advertises that they…
  • Portillo's achievement unlocked! The beef and cheddar was better in my memory, but still delicious. Today it's Giordano's after running my kids and their cousin ragged. I'm intrigued by the Nutella restaurant and at least one of my kids would go gaga for it, but I'm the only one interested in going into the city. I have to…
  • Timely: But also revealing my age-when I lived there the river was something you stayed out of except in big boats for field trips, because if you fell in you'd probably get an infection.
  • Yes! If you live in Northern California, Patxi's is a decent approximation.
  • That's the plan. I'm mostly being silly. I do not actually intend to hit three restaurants in one afternoon. :) I plan to take the week at maintenance, which gives me 1,900 calories to work with before exercise. I can't actually eat the whole Portillo's cheesy beef sandwich anymore, and one slice of a real Chicago pizza is…
  • Despite living there through my 20s, I have never been to the Aerosquadron (do they even still call it that?)
  • I remember Lalo's-yum! I sadly neglect Mexican restaurants when I visit because I live in the SF Bay Area now, and I can get good Mexican food here, too. Realistically, Pita Inn may fall off my list too, because we've got lots of good Mediterranean restaurants here as well. It's greasy Chicago pizza, an only-in-Chicago…
  • I second this, Pequod's is the best. [/quote] I've never even heard of Pequod's, but I see there's one near my old neighborhood (I'm from Edison Park, originally). Hm...I'll mostly be in the far SW suburbs, but can arrange a trip to the old neighborhood. The question is whether I can do Pita Inn, Pequod's, and Nick's gyros…
  • I found w5d2 trickier than I expected, too. That was when I really had to slow down.
  • You moved states two weeks ago, stopped eating out as much, and the scale hadn't changed for a while until this week? It's probably water weight loss from less sodium and less stress. If it keeps up I would see a doctor, though.
  • I'm done! W9d3 done today. If this old, asthmatic, still overweight lady can do it, so can you!
  • W9d1, holy cannoli I'm almost done!
  • If you live near a college campus, try the on-campus PO. They stay open all summer, but they're less inundated with appointment requests while most of the students are gone. That's how we got an appointment within 6 weeks for my kids. Or some POs and county court houses have walk-in hours for passport appointments, but you…
  • Thanks, this is a good plan!
  • Ha, too late to edit but I meant w8d3!
  • W3d3 done! I've only got 1 week left!
  • Annoyingly, the nutritional label on beans seems to include the weight of the liquid in the serving size. So unless you weigh with the liquid and then rinse, the nutritional label isn't helpful. IOW, a can with 439 grams net weight and 3.5 servings lists the serving size as 125 grams, but the whole can only contains ~200…
  • W8d2 done!
  • I'm joining the not-old ladies club! I'm 42 and started c25k many times over the last 10 years but stopped each time when I got sick (I have asthma and young kids-I get sick pretty frequently). That was during the years when my whole weight loss philosophy was "perfection, not progress," and now I'm altogether more…
  • Done! (Without the 11 year old.) I've settled into a pretty consistent pace. It's slow-a little slower than a 15 minute mile. Are there any graduates still checking out this thread? Does anyone have advice about whether to keep at my slow pace and increase time until I'm going 5k, or stick with running 30 minutes and work…
  • I'm starting week 8 this morning. The big question-make the 11 year old to come with me, or not? There will be fewer stops to find pill bugs but more complaining than when the 5 year old comes with me.
  • Here's what my allergist told me, but you should talk to your doc instead of getting medical advice off the Internet. :) For me, my doc has me use two puffs of my rescue inhaler before any moderate or vigorous exercise. I also take a daily inhaled steroid for allergies and another for asthma. The inhaled steroids made the…
  • I've started doing some body weight exercises on my off days from c25k, and a smidge of yoga (just a couple of sun salutations). I have vague notions of dragging my kids to the Y kids club and lifting for real, but I don't (yet) want it enough to deal with getting them on board with the plan, so that will probably wait…
  • W7d3 today! I listened to a podcast instead of music and found it easier to zone out.
  • In addition to the helpful advice others have already given, I'd recommend seeing whether your/your husband's medical group or your local hospital has diabetes education classes or groups. Many hospitals and medical groups have 6-12 week diabetes education programs that focus on a lot of the things that it sounds like…
  • W7d2 today! My slowest run yet, on purpose-I was seeing if it felt different/easier/better.