

  • Sorry for the delay, been a crazy day. 193.2 this morning Not as impressive as last week but still a loss
  • Last week my goal was to give up my morning stop at the local coffee shop and I was successfull and still am at that goal. This week was to give up pop as I finished the last of the diet pop in my house. The only time I really crave it is in the afternoon. I have a desk job and crave something with flavour to sip on…
  • So sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to have your dog as one of your family. My boyfriend and I have two dogs and they are our children.
  • Bring it! Just joking, as I said I think my scale was gracious because it was really only my second week of life style change to eating and exercising. But friendly competition is always nice :happy: And Thanks Rach for doing this, you're the best :smile:
  • 193.6, hopefully you got my start weight, as I emailed it to. This was really my second week of healthier activity, so I'm not expecting my scale to be so generous in the future!
  • This will be the first round for me and I'm excited to be part of the group. My weight loss goal is to aim for 1.5 lbs a week, so 15 lbs for the 10 weeks would be awesome to see. Before I joined this group I had already decided that I was going to make changes weekly to hopefully succeed in my weight loss journey, which…