

  • I drink a green smoothie every morning (2.5 cups kale, 1 cucumber, a handful of cilantro, the juice of half a lime, 1 TBP ground flax seed, 1 TBP chia seed, half a banana, and one cup frozen mixed organic berries...throw it all into my vitamix). It's about 270 calories, but packs a lot of vitamins and minerals (almost all,…
  • THANK YOU...AGAIN! Just saw your reply in your thread. I was making myself crazy.
  • Yeah, I know. Tha'ts why I said I eat vegan 99% of the time and the ONLY eggs I eat are the CERTIFIED HUMANE $7.50/carton eggs.
  • [/quote] You can buy pure egg whites. [/quote] Nope, I can't. I only eat certified humane eggs. There are no "certified human" pure egg white options.
  • Wow...SUPER helpful. I'll try to implement some of these changes. Yeah, I can't justify eatin only the egg whites because in order to get the only eggs I feel morally comfortable eating...they cost $7.50 a carton. Eek. Can't throw any of that out. I will try adding more nuts. Also, thanks...didn't think about the fruit. I…
  • BF is really high right now. Last time my trainer measured me on 3/6 it was 40.9, but I also weighed in at 199 at the time. Since then I've dropped 7 pounds and my clothes are significantly looser, so it's probably less than that number but I won't know until the next measuring day.
  • Hadn't thought of that. I do add chia seed and flax seed to my morning kale smoothie, so maybe I'll also add hemp. Thanks!
  • No health issues. I want to change my body composition and not just "lose weight." I'm undertaking a serious effort to build muscle as I lose. This was the recommended ratio in order to do that.
  • Good for you! I quit cold turkey. It was hard for a few days, but I wouldn't let it touch my lips anymore. I've been Diet Coke free before for months at a time, but I intend that this time will be permanent. I'm dedicated to clean eating and I DC is NOT clean. So happy to be free of that monster. All I drink is water, the…
  • Good for you, C! I was having a hard time in the first two weeks wishing the scale would move more, but now that I'm in week 3 of my lifestyle change (not diet!)...everything just seems much easier. I'm also not as focused on the scale as I was because I'm literally using an alligator clip to keep my pants up today. Hooray…
  • Keep at it. Perhaps change up your workout routines so that your body doesn't get used to doing the same thing all the time. Instead of the elliptical, try jogging or doing the stairmaster. I would also suggest starting a strength-training routine because building muscle actually helps you burn calories even when you're…
  • Way to go, Karen! How awesome is that. That's very commendable and worthy of praise.
  • I try to act whenever I'm feeling motivated to establish habits that hopefully will become ingrained so that I just do them when I'm not feeling the motivation. I think the more you just make yourself do something the easier it becomes. I like this quote I found on a fitness website: "Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of…