Beth21AR Member


  • Does anyone ever go to bed hungry? If not, what snacks do you prefer to get you through the night? Applesauce and boxed rice cereal (Rice Krispies) with milk are my favorites.
  • I am finding it difficult to log my calories when I cook from scratch. For example: Baked Potato Soup. I haven't logged them for the past couple of days because it is so time consuming to guess how many calories might be in my homemade dishes. Does anyone else struggle with that? On a joyful note, I am feeling the baby…
  • Thanks for sharing the recipe! Lately I have been "baking" one cookie at a time in the microwave. It helps to reduce the temptation to eat more than I should when they are fresh from the oven. I use a silicone bowl and place a heaping tablespoon of cookie dough from the refrigerator in the bowl. (snack size bowl) Cook it…
  • Will everyone find out? I am scheduled to find out if our baby is a boy or girl in less than three weeks. I am currently 15 weeks! I can not go without a nap everyday, I am so tired. I can feel the baby moving too. That churning feeling, not kicking. So fun!!
  • I'm due July 26th, 2013. My last baby was 9lbs 4oz. This will be my first pregnancy that I'm trying to watch my weight gain. I'm not overweight right now, but I do tend to gain a lot during pregnancy. (scary)
  • I am also 13 weeks and wondering the same thing about calories. My guess was 1800 per day. (??)
  • It is all about sleep.
  • Wow!! You looked good before and now you look even better!