July 2013 Babies



  • Hi everyone!
    July 15th is my due date though I currently have marginal placenta previa and if it continues like that, I will probably not make it the full 40 weeks... I'm just about getting over the shock and worry and now I'm just going along with things and trying to take things as easy as possible...

    Which is not the easiest thing to do with an 8 month old at home!!

    It's definitely a challenge but I try to focus on the more positive days, like today, and not dwell on the negative. I'm trying but it's hard.

    I'd love to keep in touch with you all and keep this thread alive. I'm mostly on here on my phone though.. I wish they would open up the msg boards to the phone app too. But anyway, it would be nice to keep each other's moods up and answer questions if it's not our first etc.

    Hope everyone's feeling good, let's have a rocking second trimester!!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Hi everyone :) Anyone getting a cute bump yet or know what the sex of the baby is? I am 15 weeks today, and feel like I might be showing a little, but mostly just look chubbier. Looking forward to actually looking pregnant. I know since it is my first baby, it could be up to another 5 weeks until I really show. Then I will know the sex of the baby too!

    I have gained about 7 pounds, and I don't think that is too bad. I did much better with exercise the last couple weeks until I got a cold this week and have been knocked out for the last 3 days.

    Actually got more interested in doing research this last week or so. Really thinking cloth diapers are the way to go, but my Mom is really trying to convince me otherwise. I looked into some more eco-friendly disposables like seventh generation or honest, but I just keep coming back to cloth. Anyone cloth diapered their previous babies?

    Welcome to the new additions. I also hope we can keep this thread alive!
  • Since this is my second pregnancy and it's very close to the last I currently look about 6 months pregnant! Definitely not sporting a "cute" bump like you, freesharold! I've gained about 4 pounds but by the looks of it at least 15 or 20!! Haven't been able to do any exercise due to the condition but I'm trying to keep positive...

    Not sure we'll be finding out the sex this time around. Last time we didn't want to but ended up finding out because of pressure around us. This time we'll find out if we both want, not because some distant aunt made us feel like weirdos for not wanting to.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hey July Ladies!

    This is my 3rd pregnancy and I have a 7 yr old at home, so because we are either keeping my daughters clothes, or continuing to get rid of them, we are going to find out the sex. We didnt the last 2 times, (I lost a little girl at 19 weeks) but this time since we didnt plan/expect any more and got rid of everything, it makes sense for us to find out so we can prepare!!

    I go for US on Tuesday and hope to find out!!!! I also have a bump, have had one for awhile. None of my regular clothes have fit for a good month now! I have gained 12 lbs (and that was 3 weeks ago last I checked) so I am probably up 15 at this point. It seems no matter what I do, in each pregancy, I just pack on the pounds. Even though I am still eating at maintenance! Oh well. Nothing I can do about it righT!!!!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    yay! Into week 16 now. I don't feel like I'm showing much. We told people this week about the pregnancy and most were suprised. I don't think I really started showing last time until week 20 either. I'm still minus 1 pound from when I found out, but I have been very diligent with food and excercise, I know that is going to get harder as the weeks go on. The excercise is paying off though, I haven't had the terrible back pain I had last time (at least not yet).
    Our next scan is at 22 weeks. We will be having a suprise again. I just love the thrill of finding out at the end. Such a great suprise. I've hung onto all my daughters clothes for 4.5 years so would be pleased to be able to use them again. If not, I just start selling them after the baby is born. I'll do a neutral but colourful nursery and add girly or boyish touches after baby arrives. Plus I love driving my family crazy as they all want to know the gender. :)

    how's everyone doing? 5 whole months until July 1st...
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone.. just checking in! I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and feeling very tired lately. Yesterday I slept all day and then all night lol.. today I feel slightly more awake but still really drained of energy. I sure hope I get it back soon because I'm self-employed and really behind on my orders. The stress is getting to me (about being behind) but I just physically can't do it right now.

    My baby 'bump' is showing a bit more at night time but I can still sleep on my stomach like usual and wear all the same clothes; I lost 2lb and gained them back since the pregnancy started. I can't exercise yet.. just the odd shoveling of the driveway or going on walks. The nausea is still here too but I can usually eat normal meals..

    How are you guys feeling? Do you feel as drained of energy as me? Sometimes I think there's something wrong with me lol...
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    Checkin in too....17 weeks and there's a definite bump! I started overweight so people can't quite tell and if they suspect they don't say anything in fear of being rude. I just look fat :(
    Gained 4lbs total so far though which I'm happy with! No extra calories needed as per my Dr so that might help.

    We go Valentine's day for our Anatomy US and we'll find out the sex then.....first baby and super excited!
  • Beth21AR
    Beth21AR Posts: 8 Member
    Will everyone find out? I am scheduled to find out if our baby is a boy or girl in less than three weeks. I am currently 15 weeks! I can not go without a nap everyday, I am so tired. I can feel the baby moving too. That churning feeling, not kicking. So fun!!
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    19 weeks today and had the detailed anatomy scan yesterday! Was nice to see the little bean in there (well now it looks like a baby)! I've been feeling movement for a few weeks now and definitely showing. My uterus was up at my belly button last week already so baby moved up quickly. Have my prenatal appointment in two days to go over the ultrasound so hopefully all is well!

    I'm doing cloth diapers once they get big enough to fit into the small (I think 9 pounds?). Depends on how big the baby is I guess! As a newborn I'm just doing regular newborn diapers because they go every 2 hours and I don't want to buy a whole different stash of CDs for 1-2 months of their lives and I'd need a lot of them! We have a Superstore brand here that is a green product and has good reviews so I'll use that one for the frist month or two.

    I forgot to add that we did not find out the sex and don't plan on it. Everyone that hasn't has said it's the most incredible surprise when it happens and one of the gew things in life that we get like that. It makes things harder to plan but since that's the only reason it's not happening. I never wanted to call my baby by it's name before it was born anyway and I understand some moms bond with the baby earlier that way but I think this makes it a different kind of bond.
  • Week 17! It's weird but I feel like I'm only pregnant until I'm in the 20's. Like up until now it's still not real. I'm weird, I know. I've seen the fetus on the screen during 3 ultrasounds now but still!!

    I'm going through a bit of a funk in my life and I'm not handling things as well as I should. I hate being told it's just hormones. I wanna punch those people in the face!! Clearly there's a boy in there because I'm extra testoronal (just made that up i think).

    I won't be finding out the sex either. Just for kicks.

    Hope you're all doing well!
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    HI ladies, I'm due July 4th. This baby will most likely be a repeat c-section so it will be a late June baby most likely. But I try to schedule it as close to my due date as possible. I have my anatomy scan tomorrow, I'll be 19 weeks. I'm a nervous wreck about it and have been eating everything in sight due to high nerves. We had a still birth at 22 weeks so this is the reason for the anxiety.
    We are finding out the sex of the baby. We found out with my daughter and I tend to feel more connected with the baby knowing the sex and calling the baby by name, not just "baby".
    I'm showing, I look like I did at 30 weeks pregnant with DD. Baby is super active and I'm feeling slight kicks and twitches. My daughter can get this baby riled up by singing and talking to my stomach, I'm in for it I think.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Sounds like everyone is starting to really settle into this whole being pregnant thing.

    We shelled out 80 bucks and paid for a 16 week gender check at one of those silly boutiques. Silly me. Definitely know the baby's sex now, and also got to see a little glimpse on the 3d. It was waving/opening/closing its little hands. So cute. We are keeping it a secret until the shower which has to be early (at 25 weeks) because it will be across the country and it is the only way I can take time off of work, plus not fly after 30 weeks. Now I have to keep my big mouth shut for the next 8 weeks! I know I can do it. Baby definitely looked like a baby now instead of the blob with buds it was at 9 weeks. So exciting. My husband are trying to work on names, and it is soooo hard. We will have our last ultrasound of the pregnancy for anatomy/health check at around 20 weeks.

    I am definitely showing, and also definitely feeling the baby move! Mostly at night when I am relaxing on the couch, and last night in the middle of the night when I was trying to sleep. Sometimes it feels like little pops or flutters, but now I think I am feeling really gentle tiny kicks. Apparently my placenta is at the bottom, so no surprise that I am able to feel movement on the early side.

    Glad everyone sounds like they are doing well.
  • miztae
    miztae Posts: 16 Member
    Hey ladies!! please add me.im looking for some new supportive expecting mothers...im 16 weeks going on 17.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I went Tuesday for US and looks like we are having a boy! They werem't 100% positive cause the baby wouldnt uncross his legs for long. I go back in 4 weeks for another US and they should be able to confirm then!!! I have an 8 yr old daughter at home, and her and I were hoping for another girl, but as long as he's healthy thats really all I care about!
    Sounds like everyone is doing well!
  • xoxo82
    xoxo82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone! Looks like I'm finding this thread a little bit late! But I'm in the 20th week of pregnancy, due July 8th! :) Having a lil baby boy!! First trimester was killer and I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted just so I didn't barf but now I'm doing much better. I started working out 4x a week about 3 weeks ago. Hoping to keep the weight gain in check!!! Already not looking forward to all the weight I have to lose! LOL Feel free to add me if you're looking for pregnancy friends! Congrats to all us mommies out there!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    19 weeks today and had the detailed anatomy scan yesterday! Was nice to see the little bean in there (well now it looks like a baby)!
    I forgot to add that we did not find out the sex and don't plan on it. Everyone that hasn't has said it's the most incredible surprise when it happens and one of the gew things in life that we get like that. It makes things harder to plan but since that's the only reason it's not happening. I never wanted to call my baby by it's name before it was born anyway and I understand some moms bond with the baby earlier that way but I think this makes it a different kind of bond.

    I'm about 18 weeks (due July 17), and we won't find out the sex either for the same reasons as you list. Also, I've heard from three people in the last few weeks who were told the sex... and then were surprised when baby came and wasn't the sex they were told! Since it doesn't matter either way, we're going to opt for being genuinely surprised and excited rather than even a little bit disappointed that the sex wasn't what we were expecting.

    I've been pretty lucky so far -- not really any nausea, just tired here and there. I've been working out the whole time. I've actually lost centimetres from my shoulders, upper abdomen, butt, and thighs -- the only thing growing is my belly, where there is a definite bump (my sister is due in April and I look to be about the same size as she is. Ha.). I vary from having gained a couple pounds to being where I started... but I'm told that I'm in a good place for me (I was overweight to start with). Hoping limit weight gain to around 20-25 pounds.
  • Hello,

    I start using myfitnesspal in January and finally getting around to looking for groups! I'm due July 14th. We were surprised (not shocked) at this second baby! We're very excited. And for me- trying so hard not to gain as much as I gained with number one! So hi too all due in the same month. (:

    I'm also looking for an accountability partner if anyone is interested. (:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member

    I start using myfitnesspal in January and finally getting around to looking for groups! I'm due July 14th. We were surprised (not shocked) at this second baby! We're very excited. And for me- trying so hard not to gain as much as I gained with number one! So hi too all due in the same month. (:

    I'm also looking for an accountability partner if anyone is interested. (:

    I am also due July 14th!! Will send FR!
  • Beth21AR
    Beth21AR Posts: 8 Member
    I am finding it difficult to log my calories when I cook from scratch. For example: Baked Potato Soup. I haven't logged them for the past couple of days because it is so time consuming to guess how many calories might be in my homemade dishes. Does anyone else struggle with that?

    On a joyful note, I am feeling the baby move all the time.

    Also, has anyone else started shopping yet? Is it too early for you?
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I am finding it difficult to log my calories when I cook from scratch.

    Also, has anyone else started shopping yet? Is it too early for you?

    I do too, sometimes I go through the trouble of using the recipe creator, but other times I just do my best to estimate calories. It does still feel early to shop, but I did buy the baby a board book about Maryland because it was too cute to pass up, and two outfits on zulily that were at a huge price cut. I know silly me!