Bradleyjah Member


  • You've got this. When I started, I first did a p90x videos at home for a month (I was horrible) or so to get in some form of shape and less embarrassed to go to a fun. After that, I started finding and trying a bunch of workout classes until I found some I really enjoyed (turned out I really enjoyed just trying new things…
  • Hey all! I'm starting Insanity today after doing P90X for a while this past year. Looking forward to the change!
  • Also, I should say that if you're just starting to lose weight, there are even more factors to consider (like your initial weight loss might have been a little bit of water weight..or maybe your initial weigh-in was on perfect day/time for you). However, once you get on a roll losing weight and weighing yourself regularly…
  • I'll echo what others have could be a lot of factors. For me, the most common culprits are sodium, alcohol, and/or too many carbs. Most of the time it all goes away after getting back to my workout routine and working in some serious sweaty cardio, but it can take a week or two. One time, I had a serious "guy…
  • Absolutely, you can lose weight running! Obviously, it depends on how long/far/intense/often you run! I now run to supplement my P90X workouts (3-5 miles), and like others, I think some strength or cross-training would also really benefit your goals. However, I will say that I have lost plenty of weight through just doing…
  • Same with me. Choked on an orange when I was about the same age. I still eat oranges every now and again, but I'm always very nervous eating them.
  • I agree with all of this. During my shyer days, I've definitely been in the position where I've let too much time lapse since the date and was hesitant to make contact because I was worried she'd be mad, that I broke some unwritten "rule" of dating, and/or that she'd think the delayed response meant they were "second…
  • This is what I did, too (on nnylee's suggestion)...except my bar is in my bathroom. It took me about two months to finally do a real overhand pull-up, but I finally got there. Also, my bar has another set of handles that are perpendicular to the bar, and these make pull-ups much, I did my first pull-up on those…
  • Dang, I just turned 30 a month ago. *kicks dirt* Enjoy your twenties!
  • Awesome story! Way to go!
  • PB2 is the best! I just order it off Amazon (even though it's made in my state...oddly, it's only sold in a few stores here). I love the regular PB2, but I'm now hooked on the chocolate PB2 for my shakes. It makes everything so delicious!
  • Great job! I'm just finishing Phase 2...and I'm looking forward to those 60 day (and eventually 90 day) results! Congrats!
  • This is what I did, too. Now, just order online. Since it looks like the Asics 2140s, 2160s, and 2170s have been covered; I'll add that I currently have the 2150s. Love 'em!
  • Yep, I definitely agree with this comment. I don't love the Yoga (it's so long and can get redundant/painful!), but after sticking with it for a couple of weeks, I've seen a lot of positives. I noticed a big improvement after just the first time (I think there's a hefty learning curve at first...just to figure out what you…
    in P90x! Comment by Bradleyjah May 2012
  • This has been a super helpful thread. I usually just run with my GPS and have moronically assume that someone would eventually figure out it's me. I'm definitely going to have to get a Road ID. Question for those with RoadIDs: Any preference between the "Sport" and the "Slim" versions? I hate carrying almost anything when…
  • I've been doing it a month. Love it! Good luck!
    in P90x! Comment by Bradleyjah May 2012
  • 7-day water fast guy, I believe you have been called and raised!
  • Peanut (?) in Atlanta! Request sent!
  • I'm in Week 3 of P90X, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm down 7 pounds, and if it weren't for an already scheduled "guy's weekend", I would probably be down a bit more. Good luck with it!
  • <----Charlie. My four(ish) year old rescue lab mix. He's the best!
  • I'm not a shock collar person either, but there's a good alternative. It's a remote "spray collar" that does the beeps like a shock collar but the "enforcement" is just a quick spray of citronella, which breaks their focus and annoys the dog. I only use collar when we're off leash and only use the spray in emergencies…
  • [/quote] Simple. It starts when they're a puppy. [/quote] Like others have said, what about rescues?! Also, on another note, let's dial back the judgement a bit. Obviously, everyone on here loves their dogs and wants to do whatever is best for their pup. I'd certainly rather have any one of these folks (who go to the…
  • I'm sorry. You're actually right. It says not to keep it tight for very long because they can't pant, which with the way my dog wanders sometimes was a concern (and probably why I associated it with "no running"). Plus, for him, it wasn't a good fit and rubbed his nose. Thanks for the correction!
  • Not to be judge-y or anything, but for those recommending the Gentle Leader nose harness, I think the instructions say not to use it to run with your dog. Apparently, it restricts the dog's ability to open his mouth and cool down...and it can lead to overheating. So, I'd just recommend being really careful with anything…
  • That sounds like my guy (Charlie). He does a lot of things well (retrieve, catch frisbees, plays with other dogs, nice to kids, snuggles, goes to Braves games, etc.), but he's just not a long-distance runner. He likes to stop and smell everything...and once he gets a little winded, the pee breaks increase dramatically…
  • Yep, this is common for me when I run. I usually have to force myself to eat after running. Not that I know anything about science, but I read somewhere (or maybe my MD brother told me) that there's some chemical released when you run that suppresses your appetite afterwards. Interestingly, whatever chemical is released…
  • This! I once worked in an office of all larger women (and I now again work with some larger women), and initially, I got a lot of resistance when I ate healthy and was losing weight. As the only guy in the office, I found they were constantly trying to get me to break my diet (bringing in cookies or cakes...and really…
  • I agree with most folks's definitely not rude. I have to deal with this a fair amount, and it was initially a problem because I get invited to various internal group lunches and external, I don't have one person organizing all my lunches. Also, I'm in the, the definition of "healthy" can…
  • Since I like general "talent" and read all day at work, my hobbies are music (discovering new music and going to concerts...not playing), playing frisbee with my dog, sports, and my newest hobby is homebrewing.
  • Hey all, I'm also looking for a similar option that is high protein/lower carb/lower to add to my snacks. I keep finding that I'm about 250 calories short of my goal. I'd prefer not to have to cook something (I'm not much of a cooker, and I already pre-cook my week's lunches), and since I already have a protein shake in…