nelsonf2f Member


  • I can't believe you are asking this! Your looking for approval from others to think your going behind your womans back. I would ove to be there when it blows up in your face... So spare a few tears from the two women and makr the right decision!!! U already know what to do!!
  • Who cares!!!!! Its advertising space being payed by an advertiser. Feel free to pay for the space if you don't want anyone else to!!! Plus fast food places don't make people fat....people make themselves fat!!!! I see Ronald McDonald holding a gun to your head and says eat the hamburger or else. Some people like to put the…
  • Well start by getting a workout plan and go to the gym. Then it all come down to how bad you want it. You have to prioritize your life! You have to sacrifice something or make room in order to achieve your goals!
  • I am linked up. I have fitness friends so they can comment on my post. Also MFP gives you the choice to chose from. I only post about my diary and mt workouts. BTW. Who cares what people think!
  • Lightning Fan!!!