Susibug Member


  • 5th workout of the week.....:smile: 30min on the treadmill and 30min free weights(whole body with emphasis on chest). Yesterday was actually more of a brisk walk than a workout but it was 30min of cardio...:smile: The first week is going well. Exercise - check. Cals - check. :bigsmile:
  • I'm in.. just started yesterday. Lots of weight to lose but i'm not looking that far ahead. One day at a time. :) Plan to workout everyday i don't work(i'm casual so that's only a couple shifts a week and lots of walking when i work). Plus i want to use mfp and stay within my reccomended cals.
  • Just got mine yesterday. Did day 1 today. Really enjoyed it...:smile:
  • As a general rule it's 50g for females/day... not taking activity level, age, weight and so on into account. "The world health organization established a daily protein requirement less than the UK Department of Health and Social Security and US RDA. Using the high and low recommendations together provides an acceptable…
  • That sux...they're betting you'll get the loan and then run up the credit cards again... ........congrats on the weight loss...WOW... 97lbs.....:happy:
  • Hope this helps...:smile: ps. i've also read that you should go by your ideal body weight not your current weight if it's not ideal for height. i'm not sure they are taking that into account here. How much protein do I need each day? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to that question, and research on the topic is still…
    in Protien Comment by Susibug May 2009