

  • Wow Bogden, Can't believe you're gonna be done with Level 2. It's only been one day there for me and I'm still majorly scared! Good looks, girl
  • Thanks guys, for the feedback about starting Level 2. And WOW on your 7th day! Damn girl!
  • Question guys-- I'm on my 13th day, but i'm still doing level 1. I can finally get through the whole thing without stopping (yay!) but I'm wondering if I'm ready for level 2. I know I could just turn it on and try it, but just wondering if anyone else is still just barely making it through level 1.\ Overall, how do you…
  • Me too! I'm seeing improvements in my endurance day by day. The only hard thing is actually GETTING STARTED. But once I start, my body responds and kicks into gear, whereas the first few days (and i have taken a few days off between) it was constantly uphill. I find that the most challenging part of the workout is when she…
  • I know that you feel guilty, but if you pick it back up the next day, it's okay! Personally I'm taking a rest day today because after just 2 workouts my arms are sore as heck! I went shopping today and could barely move them! So, though I feel guilty as well, today/tomorrow we'll be back on track. Skipping a day does not…
  • Day 2! I still had trouble and had to take some 30 second brea!ks here and there, but it felt every so slightly easier to keep up than Day 1! And I can feel it in my muscles that I worked out, even from these 2 sessions, and it's a good feeling. I even took a walk to the library today and actually felt less winded than I…
  • Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Just finished day 1. Well sort of finished-- I HAD to take a few breaks after the cardios even though she was yelling at me lol! Also all I have are 5 lb weights, gonna get 3 lb weights tonight. But now I just feel guilty for taking breaks, but I'm literally so out of shape. But I'll keep with it, hopefully in a few days…
  • Hey, I just joined the website and I'm totally in for starting this challenge today! I've always been naturally thin, but now at age 26 I suddenly realized how much weight I've gained over the past few years from my metabolism naturally slowing down, as well as from drinking too much. I've been sober for a few weeks and…