

  • There are various types of yoga classes and each are beneficial in their own right. As a beginner Id suggest finding a studio that will either allow you to take a private class with an instructor to learn some of the different poses or take a class that specifies that its for beginners. When I first started taking yoga I…
    in Yoga? Comment by MyNaturalHue April 2014
  • This rant is funny to me. I personally know Mike so this is not a surprise to me. Being honest is synonymous with being "real". Some people can handle the truth straight with no chaser and others cant. Being obese IS a very serious matter, I spent a portion of my life being 50 pounds obese as a child and I had ALOT of…
  • Id definitely recommend chatting with your doctor. You might want precise answers regarding that change in Aunt Flo's visitations.
  • Those results are awesome and VERY motivating!! Im on day 3 of Week 2 and I see subtle differences already!!
  • I just started ripped in 30 yesterday....i liked day 1. I did 30 day shred and enjoyed that as well.
  • Hi Ladies Im apart of the BGR Raleigh group. I just wanted to stop in and show some love!
  • WHat really helps me during these first few days of the 30 day shred has been my Weight Watchers scale. It measures BMI, bone density and other things that effect your weight. Noticing a change in your BMI helps on those days that your weight may seem to be the same.
  • Im on day 7 of the 30 day shred and i love it thus far. I try to incorporate cardio and do 2 a day workouts 3 days out of the week.