Bought some shorts at Walmart. The waist is 10" smaller than the pants I was wearing a year ago.
Thanks to Hulu+ I watched the first season. I'll set a timer on my DVR for season 2. It's sufficiently entertaining.
My BMI dropped into the 30s today. Huzzah!
I've done nothing more than walk, swim, and ride my recumbent bike trainer. I'm doing pretty good.
I'm sorry, but it's not solely there for someone in a wheelchair, it's there because there needs to be an accessible stall per the ADA. Regular folks can certainly use it too. It's just that it's available to them, when it's free.
I recently had a bilateral pelvic x-ray. The tech said "You know how some people say they're big boned, but they're not really" I said "Yeah, I'm not really big boned either?" He replied, "No, you're one of the really big boned ones. Your pelvis is enormous, and won't fit on one slide." So there you have it. I'm big boned.…
Yep, it works very very well.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. I carry a gun because I can not carry a policeman. I suggest anyone who is interested why Americans might feel like the duty of self-protection falls on themselves might look up Castle Rock v. Gonzales in SCOTUS rulings. The justices specifically ruled that police have…
Everybody in Expendables 2.
QFT. I'm always amused by people who want to quote statistics. If I'm ever attacked I'll just console myself on my way to meet my maker that I was just a statistical outlier. Oh wait, no I won't. I choose to protect myself.
The wolves are out there. You're either a sheep, or a sheepdog. Your choice.
Yeah, nothing bad ever happens to people in Europe and Canada. Nothing. Ever.
I had it, and using Spenco Polysorb Total Support shoe inserts cured it completely.
Yes on Metallica, but it's not my first choice. No on Christian metal.
Cindy311 listens to Daughtry.
I've been plateaued since the beginning of July. I really basically just intend to stick with the program as best I can. July & August I have had, and will have, lots of opportunities to gain weight. I'm just hoping to be in the same place after labor day and really redouble my efforts to lose. More exercise, stricter…
LOL. I drink a LOT of coke zero. Maybe I could be losing more if I didn't, but I've lost all my 60lbs since April 2nd, so I'm not doing too bad.
I tend to gorge on hummus.
What exactly are you Penn Staters proud of? Harboring a child rapist for 13 years because it might tarnish the football team?
Spotted **** was originally a suet pudding which was made of drippings and leftovers on board british navy ships. Never had the urge to try it.
No. People must be free to make their own choices and not be coerced.
Cabelas, REI, etc. :)
Big Night
Take my family and Disappear. In my new locale, install a home gym and hire a personal trainer, nutritionist & chef.
Salt, Pepper, and Worcestershire sauce always makes them taste beefy to me.
Yes. 61 lbs in 100 days. I know it helps.
Well, it was helpful for me to hear from my Doctor that I've got to lose weight or die... YMMV.
Camping is just about my wife's and my favorite activity. We bought a new folding trailer this January, and have gone out three times, with four more trips planned for the summer. With my weight loss, we're doing more day hikes. I love that I have more stamina, and it doesn't kill me to walk longer distances.