milza Member


  • I can understand what u are saying fully. I hafve PCOS too! and for the last 3 years over many different occasions i have worked my butt off to try loose weight but all that seems to happen is i put on weight. I find it near impossible to lose weight. I really do understand your concern. I also went back on the pill about…
  • thank you for your reply, i looked at the article and it is all very conusing so i will deff sit down later after work so i can full understand. thank you
  • Hey guy, My name is millie :) im 22 and getting married in NOV 13, i also have 20 - 25 KGS to loose! I Need mega motivation, u would think that a wedding would be enough but i just cant seem to get started :( Im sure we cann all help each other out :)
  • 30 day shred, i have currently just started it and find it quite good! because the work out is no mnore than 30 mins makes it easy to fit into the day and will get you in a good routine! I believe in if u go too hard to fast it will never stick and uu will burn yourself out!