

  • You cant lose muscle from working out you can only get stronger (gain) but if you start working out a lot for a while and you gain muscle you will probably gain some weight to becuase muscle weighs more than fat. I would reccomend that you take your measurments so you dont get discouraged by the numbers but then you could…
  • i am eating like 27g of fiber, 53 of protein and carbs i eat like 1 or 2 more then it says . But thats not my biggest problem. Thanks for helping me
  • my friend ran a marathon and i think that you should eat until you are full when you have a long work out put just make sure to eat a lot of protein and iron because that will give you more strength when you run the marathon. Good Luckkk
  • i am always eating more protein, fiber and sometimes carbs that are reccomended. Do you think that is could slow down my weight loss? (becuase summer is coming and i would like to be able to wear a bikini! :))
  • hi i go to school and its very hard for me to say no to my friends when the offer me food becuase theirs look yummier than the healthy food that i am eating and i jut want to eat everything that they offer me .. do u guys have any tips that you think could help me??
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