Pizzas, but it's pretty easy to fit them into my daily goals. I have like 2/3 a week.
Whenever I drunk diet coke it would increase my appetite, I'd always get so hungry and I dunno why. Also when I had too much I'd always get dizzy and blurry vision, was like a warm feeling behind the eyes. Didn't read any official studies but just didn't feel right drinking it, so I stopped.
Try natural yoghurt + frozen berries
You'll feel terrible during it and you are very likely to binge/cheat undoing all your work. Slow and steady wins the race.
Eat plenty of protein and eat enough, don't go for a stupidly low net calorie intake for the sake of losing quicker.
These daft cereal bars with fruit in them. They often loaded with syrup/sugar.
What is your diet like on the days you don't binge, or during the times in between a binge? Tracking might help you see if there is a pattern going on.
Frozen raspberries or blueberries
I used to do the binge/fast thing, I lost weight that way because I did so much exercise on the fast days. It was just getting worse and worse and I had to accept it couldn't be controlled through will power or any tricks. I found that eating enough pretty much stopped it cold, for a while I ate a bit more, and the binges…
Yoomoo Frozen Yoghurts had the chocolate one last night, was pleasantly surprised, they are now my alternative to ice cream since the 150ml tub was like 150 kcal and a 150ml tub of Ben and Jerry's is 300 kcal also mushrooms since they are so low calorie and can really bulk out a meal