What's the one food you refuse to give up?



  • Skyeburn
    Skyeburn Posts: 10
    Pizzas, but it's pretty easy to fit them into my daily goals. I have like 2/3 a week.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I will exercise to earn what I want if need be!:wink:

    Good perspective :)

    One food I refuse to give up are ethnic foods.. gotta have my food from around the globe. I've decided to just eat smaller portions, work off some of the meal.. indulging once in awhile is key I think to a successful lifestyle change.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    pizza... I looove pizza. It's not that its so bad I have to give it up, I have a problem with portion control when it comes to pizza.

    ^yeah, that is me, too. Been a while since i've even seen a pizza, but yeah, i can't have just "one" slice of pizza, it's like a switch gets tripped, and we're off to the races!! pizza pizza pizza....rofl..
    My mouth is drooling just picturing pizza....

    chips are something i plan to try to avoid, as i have portion control issues with those. BUT the other day, i did measure out the chips i would get, though, and put bag away, and did not go back for more.

    other foods that i am working to learn how to reduce, include cheese,
    especially extra sharp cheddar
    and smoked gouda,

    and i'd still drink flavored coffee creams, i think, but maybe only one per day. oh, and coffee, love coffee. never giving up coffee.
    I still plan to have the occasional wine or rum, too.

    ........and pizza.

    but other than A FEW items which i do not trust myself around YET
    i am hoping to be able to eat what i want, only less of it.
    i hope.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    neat thread to read, btw, was fun to read everyone's answers and various attitudes about giving up things. :smile:
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    cookies, creamer, ice cream, those are my treats. :)
  • cocoa powder=) I need my chocolate fix. I mix unsweetened cocoa powder with some hot water, stevia and crushed almonds. Yammy!
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    "Dark chocolate. Nooo way is that going anywhere."

    Amen. We have Trader Joe's Pound Plus 72% dark chocolate. 3 squares of that is 200 calories, a lot less than going out to some place like the Cheesecake Factory or similar place where the desserts alone are in 4 figures calorie-wise. Even splitting one of those humongous desserts, one is still getting way too much and a LOT of sugar besides. So in the light of that(and I don't even eat at places like this anyway)that portion of chocolate isn't that bad of a deal, especially if one is active enough to have some extra calories. Many days I eat less than that portion anyway. Just one square can be very satisfying. What I do is cut up the squares into quarters, and put them in a little zip lock bag, When I want a piece or two, it only amounts to 1/4 of a square or 1/2 of one. I portion them out.
    Not giving up the occasional slice of pizza either(I always get vegetarian slices anyway).
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Chocolate. I will measure it out and eat tiny amounts - but I will not give it up. No sir!
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    If I knew that I HAD to give something up to lose weight I would give up anything in a heartbeat. No food is more important than that.
    I am supposed to give up sour cream but that one I am choosing to keep at the moment until I get proof it is detrimental to my losing.
  • ashro67
    ashro67 Posts: 7