heatherduck13 Member


  • I cannot help with the motivation to get outside and run because I struggle with that myself... BUT... several of my friends at work are hardcore runners (continuously compete in marathons), they're helping me work up to my first 5K, and they gave me some pointers that I'm happy to share. :D They suggested downloading the…
  • One of my NSVs when I joined (a long time ago) was to be healthier in general... make sure I get in daily activity and drink plenty of water. I don't have a problem drinking sodas or other drinks... I drink a cup of coffee in the morning and then water the rest of the day... but I typically only get in about 3-5 cups of…
  • Since I was five years old, I always wanted to be Princess Leia in her metal bikini. When I had an awesome body (before medical conditions outside of my control caused me to go from 105 to 165 pounds in less than three months), I was too young to have such a mature costume, but that's never stopped me from dreaming about…
  • This is a loaded question for me... I have several goals.... goals that I think are attainable and those that I wish I could hit but know it won't be likely unless my thyroid magically starts working again, my hormones get sorted out, and I can give up my love of cheeseburgers (though I already limit myself to 1-2…
  • Hi! My name is Heather! a.) I am a professional belly dancer outside of my J-O-B b.) I absolutely love to cook, and I'm trying to be a healthy cook, but I just really really love cooking with butter and lard c.) I am an uber nerd and have been since I was old enough to sit up and watch Star Wars with my dad in the early…
  • I wanna join! Everything you said is me to a tee... I used to be 165 at my heaviest thanks to my absolutely awesome thyroid dying out on me at age 15 when I hit puberty... and it took me 10 years to get down to 125 (and stay at that weight for three years) only to have a mail-order pharmacy sabotage everything by screwing…
  • Hi Stacey! I am not TTC yet, but our idea is to start trying within the next year or two, and like you I am already a healthy BMI and easily within my proper weight bracket, but I have also gained some weight over the last 9 months that I'd like to get rid of by the time we begin trying for many reasons... I want to be…