

  • just had to add my two cents here.....when i joined the gym last time i focused mainly on cardio...zumba, yoga, etc to lose weight. 6 months 5 dyas a week and had minimal success. this time around i see a personal trainer 2 times a week and we do all strength training...then i do cardio for three days a 30 days i…
  • there was a recipe on here last week for chocolate protein powder ice cream...i haven't tried it yet...but it sure looked good!
  • just got the book today and have already read over half of it.....a lot of what he says makes perfect sense to me. I have suffered from IBS severe symptoms for the last 20 years and struggled with my weight for my entire life....going to give this wheat free diet a 3 month trial and see what happens
  • looking to lose around 90lbs....just found out i am going to be a grandma at the end of i want to be able to run and play with the new grandbaby :)
  • I'm 38, 5ft 3, and mother of 4 one of which still lives at home for awhile longer (17 already). I work at a very boring desk job for 9 hours a day...I need advanced notice for company..because I choose to spend my evenings at the gym with my daughter...rather than spending a whole lot of time on my house :) Feel free to…
  • abolutely...whether its on the xbox or its in a class..zumba is fun for everyone. the whole point is to move with the music it doesn't matter if you are coordinated. I have been doing zumba for a month now...3 times a week (in a gym) and each week i get better and better at the moves... when i leave the class i could wring…
  • zyxst, You are an inspiration. 41 pounds is a major accomplishment. Keep up the good work. I know how hard it is to have everyone around you being totally UNSUPPORTIVE but just remember you are not on this journey for them. You are doing it for you, and obviously your way of doing things is working for you!
  • Lynne could be a number of reasons. Is it close to that TOM or are you retaining water? I wouldn't get to hung up on the number on the scale. If you continue to gain..then perhaps you need to reassess your diet.
  • feel free to add me as well
  • Height 5Ft 3 Starting weight 225.5 lbs Goal weight 135 lbs Current Weight 220.5 lbs
  • count me in...even though I am a few days late on the start: :smile:
  • you rock!!!! thanks for posting this...i think i will stop by and buy the ingredients tonight on my way home from work
  • I just recently joined this site. Currently I do Zumba three times a week with my daughter, Body flow (which is pilates, thai'chi, and yoga combined) once a week, and the a new dance class called Sh'Bam once a week. I am currently contemplating adding strength training 3 times a week as well. I also work a full time job as…