I'm not how I used to be and I hate it

zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
I've become stressed and worried over what I'm eating. I miss being easy-going and, well, happier, even though I was 313#. I keep thinking about being able to buy clothes and have actual choices instead of only one option because I have to get the 6X size. This isn't enough to keep me from seriously considering eating whatever I can get my hands on.

Just having a really, really crappy 2 weeks. Seems like no one wants to help me, only spoon-feed their own ideas. I've done so much wrong (in the eyes of other people) and it's hurting. Wrong HRM. Wrong exercises. Wrong scale. Weigh in too often. Wrong food. Not enough variety.yogurt/veggies/etc., Not enough cals, Too many cals.

Sorry. Not really looking for anyone to post with support. Mostly want to say it and be heard, even if it's just my echo.


  • sherim71
    sherim71 Posts: 130 Member
    Looks like you have come a long way though!! I know it's frustrating, I miss ice cream, cake, pizza. But I'm not giving up. It sounds like you do have some motivation (new clothes are fun) so I hope this slump doesn't last long. Hang in there!
  • BatWoman2012
    41lbs is a awesome amount to lose! Just keep thinking about how far u have come so far. I have the odd icecream once a week just as a treat and a beer lol. I just make sure I dont go to far over my calories which I havent done yet. I eat a lot of the same food each day and it can kind of get boring but the weight is coming off so its worth it. Listening to other peoples negativity is really unmotivating so hopping on here when ur feeling a bit down does help. Good luck with the rest of ur weight loss :)
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I am sorry that you are having such a hard time with everything. I have days where I just want to go home after work and eat an entire bag of chips, even though I really didn't care for chips to begin with. I just tell myself that I have come this far and worked so hard at it and to throw it away for 1 bad day is not an option. I find it hard to make good choices around others as well. It is hard to choose a salad over a greasy burger, but you just have to tell your willpower to kick it into overtime. It took me awhile to get into the groove, but once I did, it was a lot easier. Don't get me wrong, I crave the foods that I love.....chocolate......I did, however, make the realization that if I do not let myself eat those foods, in small portions, every once in awhile, I feel starved. We hear you loud and clear and want you to keep going forward, not backward. Hang in there!!
  • AlliGM
    AlliGM Posts: 86
    Don't give up! You've already made such great progress. Maybe time to clean house with your MFPals!!!! I do have friends that suggest more fruit/veg, which is what I need to hear on occasion, but no one tries to "convert" me to their program. My unsolicited advice would be to keep doing what is obviously working for you. Don't get stressed out. You are heading in the right direction. Friend me, if you like.
  • Majikk27
    Majikk27 Posts: 13

    You are an inspiration. 41 pounds is a major accomplishment. Keep up the good work.

    I know how hard it is to have everyone around you being totally UNSUPPORTIVE but just remember you are not on this journey for them. You are doing it for you, and obviously your way of doing things is working for you!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Make no mistake, this is a tough journey - every pound lost is a hard won success, so well done you for what you've achieved so far!

    When I'm faced with the realities of how difficult certain things are, I tell myself " A lesser woman couldn't do this".

    Give yourself a pat on the back for persevering through the adversity.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Own your journey! If you choose to let people and opinions alter your direction, that is totally up to you. I do my journey "mentally" solo so I don't lose my own focus. You don't need to verify or clarify anything to anybody at anytime along the way. This is YOUR LIFE and no one elses.~ ENJOY all that it has to offer to you and be happy with all the success as you are already seeing. Congrats on you loss and Good Luck. :flowerforyou: Feel free to friend me if you want, I love motivating and can use it myself as well... :smile:
  • wingsandgills
    wingsandgills Posts: 48 Member
    I hear you, OP. When I focused on weight loss for the purpose of being thin, I often did not hold strong when the pressure was on. I would be starving and want to go to the Chinese buffet or something, and I'd say, "F*** it, I can be fat. I have a good life anyway." Obviously I didn't feel like that in the end, 'cause as soon as I was done eating, I'd feel horrible and guilty. I felt like something was wrong with me preventing me from being happy and from eating right. It's a really terrible place to be in, and no one can really reach you...

    You sound like you're having a brief tussle with depression, or maybe you've been dealing with it for a while. You are the only one who can make your choices, but I STRONGLY recommend finding a talk therapist, counselor, or therapy group to work with. You're talking yourself down into a pit, and an objective viewpoint coming from an "expert" (someone you're going to because of their experience with this) helping you see the other side of things is really helpful. They see the upsides that you miss because you are feeling so down.

    As for the idea of losing weight to be able to shop at regular clothing stores, to like the way I look, etc... I want all that still. But it didn't provide me with the strength I needed to change my habits. Instead, I started learning about the food I was eating. I watched documentaries like this one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z5X0i92OZQ) about sugar, and read tons of studies on fats and preservatives. I made myself aware of what I was doing to myself that went far beyond bodyfat. That education is what helps me, because it doesn't seem like it'll taste so good when I know it's garbage turning my arteries brown and my blood to sludge.

    On a lighter note, you have got to remember why you embarked on this journey! Yes, you want to fit into smaller clothes. But why? Why should you want that? I'll tell you why, though you might not be thinking it now... because you're awesome, you know you're a great person who deserves to be happy. You felt that fitting into smaller clothes would make you happy (and you deserve to be happy!) so you started to lose weight.

    Well, maybe smaller clothes doesn't sound as rewarding now, but you STILL deserve happiness! Don't lose sight of the fact that you started this for YOU, and for your happiness. You can reward yourself 100 different ways, it doesn't have to be with clothes. But it starts with how you can be happy.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    I had this exact same problem! And I know how you feel, so desperate to get it right that it can be crippling. When I got to the point where I was just so overwhelmed with thoughts, choices, what's right, what's wrong, what are people thinking, is this good, is this bad, does it have carbs, how much fat, what about sugar... obsessive weight loss thoughts... when my mind was so loud that it was effecting my "normal" life.... i got help. I reached out, got help and decided "no matter what these people tell me to do I'm going to do it and shut out all other advice'. It was WONDERFUL, FREEING and LIFE CHANGING.

    Now, I have a plan and I stick to it. I know what the people that I chose to help me expect of me and want from me and that is exactly what I do. I actually tell people "I appreciate you're advice but it really overwhelms me in ways I don't think you can understand. I'm working on it in my own way already though so please let me just work on it on my own".

    There are a million people trying to lose weight and 2 x's as many ways to go about it. Find out what works for you and stick to it. If you know reading advice overwhelms and confuses you then stop doing it.

    Good luck.