Book Review - Wheat Belly

I came across this blog post about the book Wheat Belly on my reader.

Anyone familiar with these topics? Care to comment? Afraid of wheat now? Whats up?


  • rachpiper720
    I read the blog post. I've started to read the book, or at least what I can on google books. I have mostly cut all grains out of my diet for the last 7 months, and have had many good health improvements from it, even though I've not been diagnosed with gluten-related problems. The author makes lots of good points, but I don't think people want to hear that their heart-healthy whole grains are probable cause to many of the ailments, or that by just cutting them out it could help them lose weight. People are still more afraid of fats and cholesterol than grains.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I no longer eat grains. My body suffers from inflammation caused by grain intake.

    Sore and achy joints, headaches, IBS symptoms, bi-polar and other mood disorder symptoms. Giving up grains means getting rid of these ailments.

    I agree with rachpiper720 that people don't want to hear about grains having anti-nutrients (phytic acid) that lead to the issues similar to what I suffered from and that are hindering people from losing weight.

    Personally - give me fat any day over any grain. Fat tastes good. Grains have no taste and only serve as carriers for the foods that do taste good.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My son and I are allergic to wheat (mine is allergist confirmed, his symptoms are worse than mine), so we cut that *kitten* out. When the allergist told me I came home, told the hubs and laughed and laughed, until I went on atkins for my wedding. No carbs for a month, flushed it all out of my system, went on my honeymoon and spent the first night moaning in pain (not exactly the moaning I wanted to be doing) from eating half a dinner roll. When I was pregnant I build my tolerance back up. With nursing, some food "proteins" (not the right term, but I can't come up with it right now) cross over breast milk, moo milk, soy, and gluten were the ones my son reacted to, he had 5 weeks of bleeding diaper rash. Some people say that gluten free dieting is a fad diet, in our house it's become a necessity.
  • Fab2BFit
    I just heard about this book when I overheard a conversation at work of one man telling another man that white bread is better than wheat bread and to read this book called "Wheat Belly". I googled it, read some blogs and some articles and now I can't wait to read it. I've struggled with my weight for the majority of my life, and I've also been a carb addict most of my life. I couldn't understand why I wasn't seeing the results that other people were seeing, so I plan on implementing the no carb (processed) lifestyle to see what changes. I'm looking for more energy and a smaller waistline! The only time that I lost weight and kept it off was working out with a trainer who told me to eat brown rice, limit my carbs to fruits, and no carbs at dinner. So I'm hoping that I can eliminate them completely and get good results. Thanks for the reviews and advice!
    allabtlm - I sent this link to my sister who's son has been having diaper rash issues for a while. He has allergies but hasn't been told about any food allergies. This could finally be the answer she's been looking for. Thanks for posting!
  • Majikk27
    Majikk27 Posts: 13
    just got the book today and have already read over half of it.....a lot of what he says makes perfect sense to me. I have suffered from IBS severe symptoms for the last 20 years and struggled with my weight for my entire life....going to give this wheat free diet a 3 month trial and see what happens