debbiedoo1986 Member


  • BTW sorry you can't click on the link. idk how to get it on there like that..just copy and paste it i guess
  • i would definitely fight that. That is horrible. instructors should never judge you that way. they might be doing it to motivate you more but some instructors dont get the fact that they can go overboard. did you ever watch the biggest loser..uggghh they are soooo mean to them but it pays off cuz they lose so much weight…
  • you might have to change your routine up. maybe change what you eat. find more healthy recipes. that's the only thing I can think of. I'm not an expert so don't take my word for it. but you could try it if you want. My sister has a blog and a facebook page called Healthy by Choice. Her name is Sara and her name on MFP is…
  • well..i'll tell you all that I couldn't really request anything specific..but i did eat decently good and did ALOTTT of swimming and getting thrown in a pool haha !! ANDDD i weighed myself this morning because I figured with all the swimming I did, i probably at least stayed the same weight, but nope..I lost another pound…
  • thankyou everyone :)
  • the insurance won't approve it because they don't think it's a good enough medical reason.
  • Thankyou :) i hope it eventually will !!
  • my boyfriend likes me with a little chunk, however if i happened to lose weight and have no chunk at all, he would still be ok with that as long as im healthy and happy !! thats what a boyfriend is supposed to say!! if he says something else, than screw him and just be proud of yourself!!
  • ok thankyou
    in help Comment by debbiedoo1986 June 2012
  • crystal light is really good..especially the fruit punch ones!! they taste just like fruit punch and its ok to drink!! my mom and i usually have the 23.7 fl oz water bottles and get the "to go" crystal light pouches and its for that size and everything!! also, try vitamin water if you havent, thats decently good too!! also…
  • if you are just referring to drinking regular beverages before and after eating anything..then yes, it happens to most people!!! drinking before is not as bad as drinking after you eat. what happens is the liquid goes down and turn the food you just ate into more liquid which makes it go down faster and digests it alot…