need more motivation!!

so i lost 5 lbs since last thursday!! it makes me feel good when i lose weight and all..but i'm afraid after going to a barbecue today, i'm going to give up and say 'screw eating this healthy food". i don't want to go off track !! i'm sure between my sister and my boyfriend, they'll yell at me if i do, but they aren't with me 24/7 to control what i eat. i need more motivation and friends on here so i can lose more weight!!!! pleaseee!!!


  • snoozypoo
    snoozypoo Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Debbie, One day off isn't going to do any harm just as long as you get back on it the next day :)
  • mesee619
    mesee619 Posts: 84 Member
    I would think you don't have to blow the whole day. Plan your meal before you go. Request chicken breast no BBQ sauce, if you eat meat. If you don't eat meat bring a dish of your own like fruits or something. One thing I have learn is that you can't avoid life, food, and people! You have to fit your "diet" in your life and not your life in your "diet"! I think you all ready now what to do, you just need someone to say it out loud for you---Have a great time at the BBQ, remember it's about family and not food.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    LIke the others have said, bbq meat is good and healthy, it's the sauce that can add on cals that you may not need. More importantly, watch out for those fatty salads, i.e. pasta and potato especially if they have mayo or heavy oil. But a bbq is supposed to be fun. For holidays, get togethers, pot lucks, etc., people really need to use portion control. Eat what you want just don't eat a lot of it. It helps satisfy cravings, keeps you social, and keeps the cals in check. Key is to have fun and know that you can't really destroy your long term goals in one day.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    You can do it don't give up your doing great
  • debbiedoo1986
    debbiedoo1986 Posts: 17 Member
    well..i'll tell you all that I couldn't really request anything specific..but i did eat decently good and did ALOTTT of swimming and getting thrown in a pool haha !! ANDDD i weighed myself this morning because I figured with all the swimming I did, i probably at least stayed the same weight, but nope..I lost another pound :)
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