flachix Member


  • First of all, welcome back!! just the fact that you are here shows how much you want to succeed. and you will. You can find all the support you need right here as well as interesting tips and tricks. Believe in yourself. You can do this.
    in I'm back Comment by flachix June 2008
  • this months muscle and fitness has a 90 day challenge in it and part of it is calories shifting. it calls it differently, high, med and low calorie day, and suggests you do that for the entire 90 days. very interesting. of course for their body builders the numbers are extreme but the same principle can apply to lower…
  • viviakay has a very good observation. I believe a pound is a pound of course. and a pound of foam rubber weighs the same as a pound of lead. BUT if you take one square inch of foam rubber and one square inch of lead. the lead is heavier so, that tells us lead is heavier or weighs more than foam rubber. its the same with…
    in muscles Comment by flachix June 2008
  • ok, that's seriously funny. I can just see me toting a 4 foot swiss ball into the office and moving my chair out into the aisle. :laugh: they would send me for a drug test for sure. I work for a large corp and am pretty sure I couldn't get away with that. unless i could prove to human resources it would save them money.…
  • feeling some soreness is natural if you really worked a muscle. I feel more sore the second day. I do a split training. :happy: which gives me 2 days of lifting, a day off and 2 days of lifting. of course on the off days I have discovered pilates. which I am really bad at but will keep it up until I figure it out. some of…
  • Just heard about Pilates, I must live under a rock:laugh: went online last night and found several. gave one a try. wow. I can really see how it would lengthen and strengthen your body. I really liked it although I couldn't do several of the moves. but I will definately keep checking around to find one more at my level. I…
  • I was in Big Lots the other day and they had cases of Nutrisystem food in the aisles. I have no idea if its in all of them or was a mistake or what, but I was surprised. they were tiny little portions, but they were only a buck each. You might check there to catch a deal and lay in a supply. I also noticed a couple of…
    in Nutrisystem Comment by flachix June 2008
  • I have never tried or even heard of ground flax instead of egg. I use it as part of my flour 3-1 do you think I could leave the egg out as well? I already use egg white, and apple sauce. why do you simmer the flax?
  • go ahead and buy. you might even check into having a new one built. a lot of builders are sitting on spec homes and empty subdivisions and would be thrilled to move it. that way everything is included and new and the house has a guarantee for a year. at least here in florida they do. its a buyers market and you can get in…
  • grneyz welcome back to the wagon. I just jumped back on myself last week. I am also an emotional eater. and have many serious issues. but yesterdays mail brought the july issue of muscle and fitness. and in it they have the rock hard challenge for 08. its a 12 week course and the issue has all the food and exercises and…
  • Welcome:flowerforyou: you're going to love it here and do great. you will find all the support and more that you could hope for. might I suggest a new scale. bought a new one today and it says I am 5 pounds lighter than the old one. gotta love that!!!
  • muffins they are not low fat, but low sugar. and very filling. 1 cup flour 1/4 cup ground flax meal 1 cup splenda 1/2 stick butter soft 1/4 cup sour cream soft 2 eggs 1 tbs sugar free pudding chocolate 1tbs sugar free chocolate syrup 2tbs cocoa 4 oz sugar free apple sauce 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda mix all…
  • good for you, only a couple of tastes. I tend to bake or fix stuff I can eat, or stuff I hate. could you have made it suger free? I used to love to bake and actually do several sugar free pies for friends and family. lots of work. but they are not low in calorie. I will post my muffins.
    in baked a cake Comment by flachix May 2008
  • Mike has an explanation of that in the stickies. I can explain, but I understand. Yeah mike
  • welcome!!:drinker: this is the place to get motivation, whine and moan about what your doing wrong, get hints on how to fix it. find out you are not alone, grow as a person, rather than in size and generally feel all the warm and fuzzy you could ask for. we will also yell at you for cheating yourself out of the opportunity…
  • I made my own for years until I found the heinz on sale one day, its low carb, almost no sugar and tastes so much better than the other stuff. there are scads of recipes online on making your own ketchup, you can tweak it to your own tastes and then freeze it into ice cube trays and break them out one at a time as you need…
  • do either of those things have nutritional values?
  • I just discovered the Jillian website, she is on sale too. laugh. but the idea of totalling your calories then dividing them unequally through the week makes sense. I am going to try that. very clever.:love:
  • one pound is a lot. its a sign of success. you are on the right path.:drinker:
  • did you select something he didn't approve of? by that I mean the location won't fit the design? or maybe its something that just won't look right. some artists are very good artists but have no social or customer service skills. I always tried to let them know why I thought what. depending on the attitude, try asking him…
    in Annoyed. Comment by flachix May 2008
  • I wouldn't care if it were clods of dirt, if I could have it on a tropical beach at sunset gazing across the table to the one person in my life that fills my heart. but instead of dirt, maybe fresh seafood, a wonderful salad filled with all the tasty morsels of earth and a watermelon basket carved intricately into a swan…
  • ok, you pc gurus. lets see if I did it right. its in signature. so hello. RJ YEA!! for ME!!
  • is there a way to add the ticker to the signature so I don't have to cut and paste it everytime? computer idiot question. thanks
  • I appreciate the thought and kindness behind the remark.." I love you and think you are beautiful just like you are" but a few....hey, lets go for a walks would touch my heart as well. :heart:
  • NO NO NO!!! you should not give up, and you shouldn't settle for close enough. you have done great. why stop now? cause its hard?:explode: sure it is, but you can do it. I bet there are dozens of ways you can get past this last hurdle. ok, comon, let's here from all of you who jumped through that final hoop. maybe you need…
  • I always need a challenge. :laugh: so I am thinking of trying to get into a shape to enter a competition like bodybuilding or figure stuff. has anyone my age 54 done that? might as well go all out. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter BTW do you have to copy and paste the ticker each post or is there a way to…
    in I'M BACK Comment by flachix May 2008
  • Well, after finishing my 100 day journey, I gave my self a pat on the back, and took a 'week' break. 2 months later I have gained it all back and more. what a pain. so, here we go again. RJ Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    in I'M BACK Comment by flachix May 2008
  • walmart changed the sugar free one I always buy to a dinky one with double calories and higher price. but when I can find the old one, I slice it and toast it with sugar free jam. its very good. never thought of french toast. now I am making my own angelfood. :sick: its not the same.
  • using a mini muffin tin. or even a regular sized one, spray with Pam sprinkle fat free parmesan around the edges (the real shredded stuff, not the grated) bake until set and crispy, cool, remove from pan, fill with egg salad, tuna salad, fruit, other veggies, or while they are baking drop and egg in the center of them. you…
  • Try Salsa. it works great only has 10 calories for a tablespoon and I get the spicy hot. so there is flavor in that boring old lettuce without having to add a lot of extra.