

  • So proud of you! When I go...I must admit I will have a light beer. Yummy! I'm willing to give up something for it! Going with my sister and friends today and will have one. My plan is to drink H2O along with it.
  • Way to go! Any suggestions for the newbies?
  • Hey, I surfed around and found the solution to post my "ticker." Slow at technology...but learning. Thanks for the advice.
  • I agree (staclo) there are changes in my body. This morning I was talking to my sister on the phone and notice a "slight bulge" in my arm! Yes, it was a muscle! Also, my "fat" jeans are loser and my "normal" jeans does not give me a huge "muffin top!" So, I guess I should be looking at other things than the scale and count…
  • LOL! I was soooooo sad for you! As soon as I saw the topic my heart sank. Then I read the post and was actually enlightened and could understand. Way to go! Leave him in the closet, under the bed, in a cabinet, or any place he can not look at you and cause you to feel guilty and take him back! Stay strong.
  • Hey guys, I'm a little "technology challenged" and wanted to know how to post my weight loss "banner" and my picture to my profile. Any tips?
  • Okay, I had to deal with "mother nature" and have been consistent with working out. I weighed this morning and gained! I know most is due to her visit. But I have not been eating all of my calories....thinking it would help with weight loss. week I will eat the calories, work out, drink water and pray for a…
  • Thanks for the advice about diurex. I went to the drug store to rid my body of extra water, bloating, weight gain....etc. Will let you know if it works! Again, thanks. :happy:
  • Okay...I will wait to weigh in and watch those cravings! I have taken snacks to work with me and purchased some sugar free ice cream bars. Hoping my diligence through (my fabulous friends visit) won't add the pounds and show a decrease. Let's keep our fingers crossed! Thanks Ladies!
  • I've enjoyed the reponses to my post. Ladies, question...."mother nature" has visited and I'm afraid to get on the scale. In the past I've gained at least 3-4 pounds during her visit and get a little discouraged. Decided to weigh when she's gone. I have been consistent with my intake and continue to excercise, hoping this…
  • I've enjoyed the reponses to my post. Ladies, question...."mother nature" has visited and I'm afraid to get on the scale. In the past I've gained at least 3-4 pounds during her visit and get a little discouraged. Decided to weigh when she's gone. I have been consistent with my intake and continue to excercise, hoping this…
  • I've enjoyed the reponses to my post. Ladies, question...."mother nature" has visited and I'm afraid to get on the scale. In the past I've gained at least 3-4 pounds during her visit and get a little discouraged. :cry: Decided to weigh when she's gone. :smile: I have been consistent with my intake and continue to…
  • Hey guys, My hubby and I are new to the program. I have been on it a week and he stared last night! I am a Weight Watchers fan, but decided to try something new (after gaining 14 lbs.) My husband started because he could view his results online. Any suggestions out there for a couple? We are Cancun bound this summer and…
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