Theocian74 Member


  • I like to do dance central on Kinect. I also like long walks. And House work of course. I'm seeing about a gym member ship again in Oct at Anytime Fitness.
  • I want to lose about 30 lbs by Christmas.
  • I'll try this challenge. I've got about 7.6 mi so far walking with a little running.
  • I need to lose over 100 lbs. Will add if you don't mind.
  • Yes I agree take good care of yourself and rest, as well as light walks maybe or chair aerobics :)....I like dancing in my computer chair :) .... Please don't give up your good eating habits. "All or nothing" isn't worth it in the end .
  • I want to : 1)start back on calorie counting on this website. 2)Walk at least 3 times / week at the park or on the road 3) Try not to eat after 7pm.
  • I just watched the movie. It really was eye-opening. I hope to become vegan, but I need help with meal plans and recipes. This is very exciting, but I really want to stick with it.
  • Easter is coming tomorrow, and I already plan to host the family and friends party. I planned the food before I started calorie counting. I think it will be fairly hard not to overheat. I'm thinking of having a filling breakfast and maybe a meal replacement drink as a snack before the feast. At least my sis is coming and…
  • X minutes sounds good....a time goal Do you guys exercise every day? I'm starting with 3days a week. Got on the scale for fun and discovered I'd gained 4 lbs. yikes....maybe i should wait a couple more days. I haven't drank much water however i might have some retained.
  • I've been dancing on the kinect for exercise. I think its lots of fun. I'm not quite ready for 10 miles, but im not adverse to trying when i lose a couple pounds. Food today seemed on track, at least in portion size. Very emotional day...but under control with diet. It's been a good day.
  • Hi, I'm Theo. I just started mfp today. I had a fight with my wife who wanted to join weight watchers and told her she could get help for free. I didn't know about mfp yet then. But I did some google searches and here I am. I am in a extremely obese BMi and it's very scary. I want to make friends with others that have…