

  • yeah i know exactly how you feel. I usually do all my own cooking with a smile on my face. I really don't go to restuarants that much. But when i do you better believe im stressing and assuming the worst. Soo DO NOT FEAR you're not the only one.
  • feel free to add me i update mine usually but i sometimes skip out due to having most calculation in my head lol
  • -Start with some stretching to avoid injuries and increase flexibility ( 10 min ) I like the Stretch core thing they have at the gym -do a light ( 20 min ) warm up cardo to get the heart rolling and a little sweat or less depending on your goals and time you can spend at the gym -Do your heart raising cardio and burn the…
  • Diet Soda!!! NOM NOM NOM BLECK ACK BLECK nasty. Great idea but it really makes me want a regular soda more. It curves my cravings for regular drinks but luckily for me i can be satisfied with juice how ever some times i just got to have a pepsi.
  • Calorie deficient is the only thing that works when it comes to purely losing weight. It really makes sense when you think about it. Burning more then you consumes to remove the excess. I got extra pounds on me so let me go ahead and burn a bit more to tap into that. Now as for the whole starvation mode and stuff which I…
  • What motivates me is that my whole life I’ve been a big well rounded kid. I was never as strong or as fast as everyone else. It was pretty embarrassing to be the slowest and weakest kid of my peers by a large margin. Being the third or fifth wheel because physically I was unattractive and no one took the time to meet the…
  • Skin can retract. It doesnt become loose skin forever. I don't think your losing weight drastic enough for you to look like some of the people on biggest loser.
    in Weight Comment by jc31388 August 2013
  • You can never go wrong with Sriracha sauce on anything. http://www.buzzfeed.com/cmccreesh/everything-you-need-for-a-sriracha-themed-party-c8o6
  • Wow that looks great.
  • With most vegetables i use cooking spray for the pan. I do also bake and steam them depending on the vegatable.