crossmk Member


  • Hi, I'm in south central Virginia...very small town in very rural area...
  • HI, I quit drinking pop on a regular basis but I do allow an occasional treat if we are eating out. That never really affected my weight loss like portion control and drinking water....lots of water.
    in Quitting pop Comment by crossmk May 2012
  • Hi Lisa, My name is Mary. As corny as it sounds, you've taken the biggest step...getting started. The next step is logging on everyday and writing down everything. I too had difficulty getting exercise. In 2010 I had several surgeries which slowed me down. The best advice I received was simply try to start by doing 5…
  • I'm also 54 and have lost some but have the same stubborn 30 pounds left that I have been fighting forever. Feel free to add me also. I could really use an accountability partner as well.
  • You are truly an inspriation!!!