purplesky9 Member


  • lately I have been making a lot of homemade soups, it's super easy broth, meat, as many vegetables as I can find in my fridge, add some herbs done. Then I have food for a week. Just make sure you watch the sodium on the broth....I just grabbed chicken broth without looking and its a bit crazy, I will have to make sure I…
  • Hey! I'm really similar to you 5'5 cw 178 gw 140 and 24 years old! I'll send you a friend request
  • I am in a similar situation, started off being 20 pounds to lose and somehow i am now up to 40 to lose. I swear I gain weight in 5 pound increments, it's crazy. It would be nice to have a pal to keep me on track and share struggles and successes with.
  • Whoops my bad I didn't choose 4mph because it said very brisk pace I should have chosen 3mph not 5 now the numbers make more sense and I don't log 30ds as 30 mins I do 25