oligracemom Member


  • I am on Day 3 today as I took yesterday off to teach my Spin class. My calves are SORE!!!
  • That is awesome! Congratulations! You'll be strutting your stuff out in them , in no time!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Larissa. 43 year old mom to 3 kids, (11,9 and 6) and full-time teacher! My sister is getting married on November 17 and I have a beautiful bridesmaid dress as added motivation to complete the SHRED! CW: 138 GW: 120-123 (hoping to be 130 or less by wedding day!) I actually just finished day one ...and I'm a…
  • I have definitely enjoyed too much of the "good life" this summer...too much wine, food and tasty, fruity cocktails!! My pants are all tight ugh. We go back next Wednesday, August 1 for pre-planning so it's back to reality for me! I find it much easier to lose weight when I am on a routine. I need to get back into my…
  • I restarted today. Completed 6 days of level 1 two weeks ago so decided to jump in to level 2. Bad idea! Will go back to level 1 today and do it properly. Felt great after 6 days so I know this will be an awesome accomplishment for us all! I have my measurements and pics too.
  • I'll join you! I started two weeks ago and life got crazy. I was on Level 1 day 6. Starting all over tomorrow! I've already measured to I'm excited to do this!!
  • I just use unsweeteed vanilla almond milk, a frozen banana and a few ice cubes in a blender every morning. Sometimes I will throw in other frozen fruit, (raspberries, mango) if I have them. Also, if I am not eating carbs at lunch I will add a half cup of oatmeal to the blender. It is yummy!
  • I just completed day 4 and I am loving it! The only exercise I really struggle through is the lunge with the weights so I use 3 instead of 5 lbs with that exercise. OUCH! I think I'm going to start level 2 on day 8 for 10 days then complete level 3 for the reaming 12. My arms seem to already be firming up! I measured today…
  • Hi! I'm new here too! Welcome!!
  • Cocoa Beach , Florida