BanTami Member


  • I just started back today. I have made a couple of false starts since I got off after losing 100# in 2012. I also did not transition properly and kicked off my downfall with a cruise. If you were around the MediFast boards back then, then you know they are nothing like they used to be.
  • The 4 pounds came off immediately after cutting grain, then nothing. As a weight loss veteran, I know that I usually lose more than that. But I admit, rethinking what normal weight loss should be, is hard for me. I tried the higher fat, but I'm thinking its too many calories for my 5'2" over 50 body? Especially after doing…
  • It's hard for me to do things "half-way" but I'm trying to reteach myself that small changes, over time, can make a big difference. Since I am in this for a lifestyle change that will also help me lose weight, I'm not going to weigh myself until April 1st. I believe that my belly is already less bloated after just a couple…