Check out the web site at the end of these tips. Tips to watch out for when you are ending up breathless after 1 lap are, 1 Keep your head down and this should help your body float better, ie your legs won,t sink (but do kick as well). 2 Blow out your air under water and only take in air when you come up for air, 3 leave…
Nice one and more power to you for sharing your story.
You are a Winner in the true sense of the word and its people like yourself who inspire others (like myself) to give up Nicotine and live a Healthier Life style. Well done. And I blame Charlie Sheen for you thinking I was being sarcastic.
Talking about starting some where, I got the below Article from the BBC News website. Believe Oil Pulling may be the answer to combating the Mouth Ulcers Ex Smokers get in the first weeks of their quit. Ex-smokers face ulcers and colds The side effects are little known Smokers should be warned they face higher risks of…
Well done, your a winner.
I,m Cold Turkey over 3 months and I had one. The dream started off with me being in a smokey environment and as it started heading towards me actually smoking, I woke up in shock. Some say its a sign we have reached the level where we have accepted we have given up smoking and others that its the Nicotine trying…
Cheers LH, I am filling in my Food & Exercise diary and have identified the 2 or 3 pints of Guinness I am having every night, as the 1st to go in order to hit or be below my target intake of calories.
Glad you said it, this is going no where any way. Now back to what to eat or not to eat having given up the Cigs in order to stay healthy and loose weight (203ibs/beer belly for me). A part from Oil Pulling and taking raw ginger and raw garlic grated into a juice drink as a detox for my Lungs, I have'nt a clue. As far as…
The below quote is your reply to a question by some one who merely asked if any one had used Chantix You say, no one has successfully quit using Chantix, seriously get help.
I wrote something that you clearly understood and as you clearly explained, you are still living and dealing with your craves after 10 years, know this, I find that sad and in my humble opinion and in the interest of support and encouragement, I would encourage you to seek professional help with your unresolved Nicotine…
See an Osteopath 1st to get feet sorted.