Maree44 Member


  • Brian.... So I should run that distance every other day? Here is what I have been doing and you tell me what you think.... I usually do one day of intervals, like 7 run, 3 walk, 5 run faster, 3 walk, 3 run faster, 3 walk 1 run really fast, walk. Then the next day I do inclined walking/ running intervals Then my distance…
  • Thank you and Congratulations to you!
  • THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! You guys have motivated me so much! I know that my legs and my lungs can totally do this run and I am thinking your all right about the treadmill thing, doing 15-20 minutes doesn't seem so bad but 23 minutes of the same spot and same surroundings is just BORING and not motivating at all!…
  • That is sort of what I have been doing...I stop at 8 minutes and walk for a couple minutes and then run again at about 6.0 for 3-4 minutes and then walk again and then run again at 7.0 for a minute or so...So I'm glad to hear that I am doing the right thing. I think I need to tell my brain, "SHUT THE HELL UP, I'M DOING…
  • I don't have either at home but use both at the gym....I sort of use the elliptical as a warm up for 20 minutes and burns TONS of calories quick, and then run on the treadmill. If you can only choose one I would say elliptical first! :)
  • I'm of no real help really but I started to run in April and about a month later I got severe pain in my right foot, it was on the outer side and I would often walk with a limp. I ran through the pain and didn't go to a doctor but the pain went away about 2 or 3 weeks later and it hasn't been back. I thought it was just my…